西北有色金属研究院复材顶刊:钛基复合材料强度-塑性协同效应获 …
通过电泳沉积和简单的火花等离子烧结(SPS),成功地制备了具有珍珠层结构的原位(TiC+ Ti5Si3)/Ti复合材料,其中,采用电泳沉积在商用纯钛箔上同时沉积氧化石墨烯(GOs)和硅(Si),SPS有助于生成原位反应,形成TiC+ Ti5Si3增强体,同时实现致密化。
Synthesis mechanism and interface contribution towards the ...
2024年12月1日 · In this study, Ti 5 Si 3 particles are successfully in-situ synthesized in Al-Si-Ti system through the interdiffusion reaction between Ti-Si using a powder metallurgy approach.
A study of Ti5Si3/γ interface in TiAl alloys - ScienceDirect
2001年8月31日 · Recent investigations show that the addition of Si into TiAl alloy introduces round Ti 5 Si 3 particles by powder metallurgy [6], [7], and Ti 5 Si 3 whiskers by ingot metallurgy [8]. The precipitation of Ti 5 Si 3 particles is heterogeneous.
Mechanical properties and microstructure of Ti5Si3 based composites ...
2019年1月15日 · Proper oxidation resistance, high melting point, suitable creep resistance and high specific strength make titanium silicide (Ti 5 Si 3) a promising material for application in severe conditions. However, the major drawback of applying Ti 5 Si 3 is the low fracture toughness (2.5 Mpam 1/2).
Microstructure evolution of Ti5Si3 in Cu-Ti-Si alloys - Springer
2020年8月17日 · In order to clarify the Ti5Si3 formation processes and its microstructure characteristics, the as-cast and deeply etched Cu-Ti-Si alloys with different compositions and cooling rates were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).
TEM image and selected area diffraction (SAD) patterns of the Ti5Si3 …
TEM and EBSD analyses revealed that the size of Ti5Si3 particles increased (from 50 nm to 300 nm) with the aging temperature increasing (from 700 °C to 900 °C), and growth mechanism of matrix...
2022年6月2日 · 通过电泳沉积和简单的火花等离子烧结(SPS),成功地制备了具有珍珠层结构的原位(TiC+ Ti5Si3)/Ti复合材料,其中,采用电泳沉积在商用纯钛箔上同时沉积氧化石墨烯(GOs)和硅(Si),SPS有助于生成原位反应,形成TiC+ Ti5Si3增强体,同时实现致密化。
Thermodynamic aspects of nanostructured Ti5Si3 formation …
2012年7月10日 · The structural changes and characterization of powder particles during milling were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), particle size analyser (PSA) and microhardness measurements.
Ti5Si3原位析出高强钛合金的显微组织表征及拉伸 ... - X-MOL
在这项工作中,基于Ti 5 Si 3 的低密度、高强度和与钛相当的热膨胀系数,开发了一种具有原位Ti 5 Si 3 沉淀的新型高强度钛合金,并进一步热处理调节微观结构和性能。 结果表明,原位析出物既包括β -Ti基体中的针状二次 α -Ti ,也包括球状Ti 5 Si 3在 800 °C 40 分钟的最佳热处理后, α / β 相界附近的合金具有优异的强度和延展性。 具体而言,它的极限强度为 944.1 MPa,伸长率为 12.5%,具有优异的加工硬化行为和延性断口,包括丰富的撕裂边缘和韧窝。 这项工作验证了 …
TEM micrograph showing γ-rich region with ξ(Ti5Si3) particles.
The main microstructural change observed in the γ-rich region was precipitation of fine Ti5Si3 particles. Ordinary dislocations in the γ matrix dominate the deformation microstructures at creep...
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