Welcome! < Tian Xu Laboratory
Tian Xu is an Adjunct Professor in Genetics at Yale School of Medicine. He is currently Vice President at Westlake University. Additionally, he serves as an Adjunct Professor and Director of the Institute of Developmental Biology and Molecular Medicine at Fudan University, Shanghai.
Tian Xu, PhD - Yale School of Medicine
We have showed that TSC and PTEN genes function in the PI3K/Akt pathway and reduction of S6K activity levitates TSC defects. These findings have helped to define one of the major …
许田博士 - Westlake
许田博士 Tian XU, Ph. D. 生命科学学院 生物学 生长调控与转化研究实验室
Tian Xu - Google Scholar
Ph.D. student, Department of Information Science, University of Colorado Boulder - Cited by 71 - HCI - STS - Personal health informatics - Mental health and wellbeing
Tian Xu, Ph.D. - Westlake University
Dr.Tian XU, a Chair Professor of Genetics and Vice President at Westlake University, mainly focuses on the mechanism of growth control and new genetic and biotech methods.
Tian Xu - Google 学术搜索
Johns Hopkins University, Institute for NanoBioTechnology - 引用次数:517 次 - Nanomedicine - Supramolecular Polymer - Peptide Drug Conjugate - Immunotherapy - Drug delivery
许田 - 百度百科
1993-2018年历任耶鲁大学遗传学和神经生物学助理教授、副教授、终身教授、C.N.H. Long讲席教授,2003-2018年任耶鲁大学遗传学系副系主任,2001-2013年任耶鲁大学校长顾问。 1997-2018年任霍华德休斯医学研究院研究员。 2018年4月全职加入西湖大学,任遗传学讲席教授、副校长。 [6] 许田教授主要开展生长调控领域和遗传学方法的研究。 [6] 1962年,许田出生在浙江省嘉兴市。 [4] 1982年,获复旦大学学士学位。 研究生期间从师于发育生物学家S. Artavanis …
Tian Xu - Google Scholar
Detection of 1, N2-propano-2′-deoxyguanosine adducts in genomic DNA by ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry in … OM Manley, …
许田 博士 - Fudan University
1962年生, 教育部长江讲座教授(复旦大学),复旦大学发育生物学研究所所长。 82年复旦大学遗传学本科毕业,90年获耶鲁大学博士学位,90-93年在加州大学伯克利分校从事博士后研究。 93年起历任耶鲁大学遗传学系助理教授、副教授、教授、副系主任。 现任休斯医学研究院研究员、Rothberg儿童疾病研究所科学委员会主席。 担任《Cell》、《Annual Review of...
Lab Members < Tian Xu Laboratory - Yale School of Medicine
Address: 295 Congress Ave., BCMM231, New Haven, CT 06519 Email:[email protected]: (203) 737-2621
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