TIBC (Total Iron-Binding Capacity) Test - Cleveland Clinic
2023年5月11日 · A TIBC (total iron-binding capacity) test is a blood test that measures your blood’s ability (capacity) to attach (bind) to iron and carry it throughout your body. Healthcare providers use it to help diagnose iron-deficiency anemia and other iron metabolism conditions.
Why Do You Need a TIBC Test? Purpose, Results, and Risks - WebMD
2023年9月20日 · What Is a TIBC Blood Test? A total iron-binding capacity test is a blood test that tells you how much transferrin in your blood is binding to iron, which tells you how well iron is...
TIBC Blood Test: Normal Range, High & Low Levels
2022年12月15日 · Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) is an indicator of your body’s iron levels. Keep reading to learn more about high and low levels and what they mean for your health, as well as how to improve TIBC.
總鐵結合力 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
總鐵結合力[1] (total iron-binding capacity,TIBC)又稱 總鐵結合能力[2] 、 總鐵結合容量 、 運鐵蛋白結合力 (transferrin iron-binding capacity),為醫學上用於表示 转铁蛋白 攜帶血中游離 铁 的能力 [3]。 TIBC的數值由抽血檢測獲得,評估血液中有能力和鐵結合的蛋白質有多少,並以此間接反映 转铁蛋白 的含量 [4]。 過去由於直接測量转铁蛋白相當昂貴,因此藉由量測TIBC來較為簡單便宜 [5][6]。 即使今日直接測定转铁蛋白已非難事,但TIBC依然廣被使用 [7]。 ^ 存档副本. …
Iron-Binding Capacity - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2024年5月2日 · Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) is a crucial laboratory test for diagnosing iron metabolism disorders and inflammatory diseases. Iron-binding capacity is the capacity at which transferrin binds with iron. Transferrin, previously known as siderophilin, is the principal plasma transport protein for ferric iron (Fe 3 +). Transferrin has a ...
Normal Iron Levels Chart by Age - Blood Test Results Explained
TIBC test (total iron-binding capacity) measures all proteins needed to link iron including transferrin (means the total transferring available). UIBC test (unsaturated iron-binding capacity) measures how much iron for saturation of transferrin. Transferrin saturation is a calculated percentage to tell how much transferrin is full with iron.
Total iron-binding capacity - Wikipedia
Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) or sometimes transferrin iron-binding capacity is a medical laboratory test that measures the blood's capacity to bind iron with transferrin. [1] Transferrin can bind two atoms of ferric iron (Fe 3+) with high affinity.
血清总铁结合力 - 百度百科
血清总铁结合力(TIBC)是指能与100ml血清中全部转铁蛋白结合的最大铁量称为总铁结合力。 正常人血循环中的转铁蛋白约30%被饱和。 通常用测定总铁结合力的方法来间接测定转铁蛋白的水平。
001321: Iron and Total Iron-binding Capacity (TIBC) - Labcorp
The combination of low iron, high TIBC and/or transferrin and low saturation indicates iron deficiency. Without all of these findings together, iron deficiency is unproven. 2 Low ferritin supports the diagnosis of iron deficiency.
总铁结合力(TIBC)测定试剂盒(Ferene法) - 39药品通