Chloroplast Protein Tic55 Involved in Dark-Induced Senescence
2022年2月6日 · Tic55, a chloroplast Tic protein member, was shown to be not vital for functional protein import in Arabidopsis from previous studies. Instead, Tic55 was revealed to be a dark-induced senescence-related protein in our earlier study.
Q9SK50 - UniProt
Part of the redox regulon consisting of TIC32, TIC 55 and TIC62. Note: Binds 1 [2Fe-2S] cluster per subunit. Showing features for binding site. Showing features for topological domain, transmembrane. No visible phenotype. We now provide the …
O49931 - UniProt
Involved in protein precursor import into chloroplasts. Part of the redox regulon consisting of TIC32, TIC 55 and TIC62.
The Direct Involvement of Dark-Induced Tic55 Protein in …
2018年6月23日 · The chloroplast relies on proteins encoded in the nucleus, synthesized in the cytosol and subsequently transported into chloroplast through the protein complexes Toc and Tic (Translocon at the outer/inner membrane of chloroplasts). A Tic complex member, Tic55, contains a redox-related motif essential for protein import into chloroplasts in peas.
2022年10月3日 · 同时,利用全基因组关联分析(GWAS),在3MbIBD-ER鉴定到一个与梨果实硬度密切相关的重要候选基因TIC55,其在拟南芥中的同源基因具有调控叶绿素降解的功能。 利用重测序、转录组数据,并结合分子生物学实验,明确了在亚洲梨TIC55基因的第一个外显子区域存在一个长度为12bp的串联重复插入,从而导致TIC55基因只在亚洲梨中高度表达,抑制了果实的软化;而在西洋梨中不存在这一序列特征,同时基因几乎不表达,果实的软化速度较快。 基于以 …
Chloroplast Protein Tic55 Involved in Dark-Induced Senescence
2022年2月6日 · Tic55, a chloroplast Tic protein member, was shown to be not vital for functional protein import in Arabidopsis from previous studies. Instead, Tic55 was revealed to be a dark-induced senescence-related protein in our earlier study.
Recombinant Pisum sativum Protein TIC 55, chloroplastic (TIC55)
Involved in protein precursor import into chloroplasts. Part of the redox regulon consisting of TIC32, TIC 55 and TIC62. Plastid, chloroplast inner membrane; Multi-pass membrane protein.
TIC-55 タニコー HIコンロ 卓上タイプ - 厨房ベース
当店では、通常のメーカー保証1年間に加えて1年間の無料延長保証、合計2年間の保証をお付けしております。 ※一部メーカー保証のない製品(作業台やシンク等の板金製品)は対象外となります。 配送はメーカー直送になります。 メーカーの在庫状況及び納品地域により異なります。 全国各地のメーカー拠点から迅速に対応する万全のフォロー体制です。 ご不明な点や、お困りの事などのお問い合わせはお問い合わせフォーム及び、下記フリーダイヤル(携帯可)でお気 …
TIC-55 タニコー 電磁調理器 IHコンロ 卓上型 業務用「店舗・厨 …
tic-55 ihコンロ 卓上タイプ 定価: 1,147,300 円(税込) メーカー: タニコー: 6年リース月額: 12,600 円(税込)
A Role for TIC55 as a Hydroxylase of Phyllobilins, the Products of ...
2016年9月21日 · Analysis of mutants of the two Arabidopsis Rieske-type oxygenases (besides PAO) uncovered that phyllobilin hydroxylation depends on TRANSLOCON AT THE INNER CHLOROPLAST ENVELOPE55 (TIC55). Our work demonstrates a catalytic activity for TIC55, which in the past has been considered as a redox sensor of protein import into plastids.