Tiger XTL - Ion Science UK
The Tiger XTL portable VOC gas detector is a variant of the hugely popular Tiger XT, but low on cost and high on performance. The portable VOC gas detector utilises revolutionary, patented photoionisation detection (PID) sensor technology with humidity resistance.
Tiger XTL
Tiger XTL便携式VOC气体检测仪由广受欢迎的Tiger XTL改进而成,但成本低,性能高。 便携式VOC气体检测仪采用革命性的光离子化检测(PID)传感器专利技术 (专利栅栏电极,美国发明专利,专利编号是US 7.046,012 B2),具有良好的耐潮湿性。
Tiger XTL 手持式VOC检测仪使用手册 (中文) | 英国离科中国公司
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Tiger XTL手持式
式VOC检测仪 产品介绍 Tiger XTL 手持式VOC 检测仪采用光离子化(PID) 技术,凭借栅栏电极技术和防污染设计能够确保仪器在潮湿和重度污染的环境下实现最佳性. 能,延长现场运行时间。Tiger XTL 便携式VOC 气体检测仪通过了ETL( 电气检测实验室)、KGS( 韩国燃气安全公司) 以及IECEx(国际电工委员会爆炸性环境专用设备�. 准认证体系) 的认证。 此外. 它还通过了ATEX 认证。 可广泛应用于环境监测、土壤污染检测、 垃圾填埋场VOC 检测、 进入封闭空间、 应急响 …
Ion Science Gas Meter - Tiger XTL - EON Products, Inc.
The Ion Science Tiger XTL is a portable VOC gas detector that uses PID technology for rapid, accurate detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The Tiger XTL portable VOC gas detector is a variant of the hugely popular Tiger, but low on cost and high on performance.
Tiger XTL Tiger XTL 便携式VOC气体检测仪(英国ION离子)
2024年3月20日 · 即使戴着厚的手套,也能单手使用Tiger XTL便携式VOC气体检测仪进行简单操作。 Tiger XTL具有热塑性弹性体外模,而这种橡胶材料是半导电的,因此Tiger XTL具有本质安全性。
英国离子tigerxtl手持式VOC检测仪Tiger XTL光离子化品牌:英国 …
Tiger XTL手持式VOC检测仪采用光离子化 (PID)技术,凭借栅栏电极技术和防污染设计能够确保仪器在潮湿和重度污染的环境下实现性能,延长现场运行时间。
Ion Science TIGER XTL VOC Detector-Intrinsically Safe
The Ion Science TIGER XTL VOC Detector is a highly accurate, intrinsically safe device designed for detecting volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in various environments. It uses advanced photoionization detection (PID) technology, making it ideal for monitoring VOC levels in workplaces that prioritize safety and precision.
Tiger XTL Handheld VOC Detector – www.ereinc.com
The Tiger XTL accurately detects volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from 0 - 5,000 ppm with a 0.1 ppm minimum sensitivity, has the fastest response time on the market of just two seconds, and is as quick to clear down.
气体探测器 - TIGER XTL - ION Science Global - VOC / PID / 工业
Tiger XTL便携式VOC气体检测仪由广受欢迎的Tiger XTL改进而成,但成本低,性能高。 便携式VOC气体检测仪采用革命性的光离子化检测(PID)传感器专利技术 (专利栅栏电极,美国发明专利,专利编号是US 7.046,012 B2),具有良好的耐潮湿性。