T-25, The Famous Tiger of Ranthambore, Died in Territorial Fight
2020年1月21日 · T-25, a 15 year old male tiger known as Dollar and Zalim, who had surprised wildlife enthusiasts by rearing two orphaned tiger cubs, was found dead near Sanwata village …
The Life Story of Tiger Dollar (T-25) - ranthambore
T-25, was also known as Zalim, or, the cruel one, since he was known to be unusually aggressive, both in terms of expanding his territory & his personal nature. He was often found to display …
Tiger ‘Zalim’ Who Raised Orphan Twin Cubs Found Dead in …
2020年1月22日 · Famously known for rearing orphan twin cubs, Zalim was found dead in Ranthambore Tiger Reserve (RTR) in Sawai Madhopur district of Rajasthan. Zalim had reared …
Tiger ‘Zalim’ who reared orphan cubs found dead at Ranthambore national ...
A 15-year-old male tiger named ‘Zalim’ who was famously known for rearing orphan cubs died of a suspected territorial fight in the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve (RTR) in Sawai Madhopur …
Popular Tigers of ranthambore and their legacy
He lived a happy life with his partner T39 (Noor) and thundered about in his zone without any major competition from other male tigers, except few minor tiffs with his sibling T25 (Zaalim). …
T-25 Dollar : The Legendary Ranthambore Tiger
T-125 Dollar was also nicknamed as Zalim, or “the harsh one,” because of his reputation for being particularly violent in both his personal and territorial expansion. He was frequently observed …
Tiger who reared orphan cub found dead in Rajasthan's …
2020年1月20日 · A famous male tiger named Zalim T25 was found dead in Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan. He was the same tiger who reared two small orphan cubs.
In Ranthambore, the tiger T-25, who raised the cubs as a mother, …
On January 20, 2020, a 16-year-old male tiger was found dead during a suspected territorial fight at Ranthambore Tiger Reserve in Sawai Madhopur district, Rajasthan. This tiger is known as T …
Famous Tigers' Story of Ranthambore National Park
He was also called Zalim (cruel) because he wasn’t particularly fond of humans and was known to chase vehicles carrying tourists. Despite his nickname and stories about his terror, he …
Rajasthan tiger which played ‘mom’ to two orphan cubs dies in …
2020年1月21日 · JAIPUR: Ranthambore tiger T-25 named Zalim, which came into limelight for its unusual behaviour of rearing two motherless cubs, died in a suspected territorial fight on …