The Technological Innovations for Inclusive Learning and Teaching (tiilt) Lab aims to improve learning opportunities for students from under-served communities. Our work with technological innovations includes: co-designing activities with teachers and learners
TIILT - Northwestern University
She is currently working on the BLINC project at Tiilt, with a primary focus on integrating discourse analysis into the BLINC system. She appreciates the supportive environment at Tiilt and how its research is closely connected to the local community.
Global Aid Refugees (GAR, pseudonym) works with tiilt to implement maker culture activities in after school and summer programming for refugee children ages 5-17 years old. Past activities include making games to creating tactile picture books using low …
TIILT Lab - Northwestern University
Tiilt Lab's Website Sports, Technology, and Learning Sports, Technology and Learning will examine the apparent alignment and discrepancies among these three areas.
Recent estimates suggest that 70% of youth participate in sports, whereas fewer than 20% participate in out-of-school STEM experiences. The SportSense project imagines how unlocking new curiosities within athletes could transform the landscape of STEM learning, both in terms of who participates and types of innovations that emerge.
TIILT - Northwestern University
Tiilt Lab's Website. Contact. email us at [email protected]; follow us on twitter; visit our lab in Seeley Mudd RM 3104
Research Papers - Northwestern University
Chávez, V. C. (2023). “The Focus Came in Handy for Me Too”: Exploring Accessibility Learning and Identity Formation in a Web Development Course.
tiilt-blinc.com. Dashboard. Pod. Respeaker. This team works on developing data-capture devices that provide educators with real-time multimodal learning analytics. We use ReSpeaker Core v2.0 microphone arrays to show educators what keywords have been said, a discussion timeline, direction of speech, and emotional tone indicators.
tiilt Lab | Scratch
tiilt Lab | Scratch
359 23 Inclusion and Equity as a Paradigm Shift for Artificial Intelligence in Education Rod D. Roscoe, Shima Salehi, Nia Dowell, Marcelo Worsley, Chris Piech, and Rose Luckin