GitHub - connorkuehl/sdl2-tiled-example: A small sample …
This repository's only focus is on demonstrating how to load and render Tiled maps in SDL2. The rest of the code is a quick and dirty set-up for the Tiled level loading functionality to stand on and should not be used or regarded as good game design with SDL2.
[Ep. 49] Creating a Tile Map in SDL | Introduction to SDL2
2023年1月11日 · SDL2 Playlist: • SDL2 Simple Directmedia Layer Find full courses on: https://courses.mshah.io/ Join as Member to Support the channel: / @mikeshah Lesson Description: In this lesson I show you how...
2019年4月26日 · 文章涵盖瓦片地图的设计、绘制原理及示例代码,展示如何使用tiled地图编辑器创建复杂地图。 瓦片地图 (Tiled Map),又称为瓷砖地图,是在游戏开发中经常使用到的技术,它是由少量的尺寸相同的、小的瓦片图片拼接而成的很大的地图。 相对于使用一张张图片来绘制地图而言,瓦片地图不仅大大地节省了内容,而且增加了图片的重用性和绘制性能。 使用一般的背景图会面临很多问题: ①: OpenGL ES对于纹理有大小限制,最大支持2048*2048像素,且超出 …
C++&SDL游戏开发攻略 9 - Tilemap地图 - 知乎
在2D游戏里Tilemap算是最常见的地图了,中文有翻译成瓦片地图也有翻译成瓷砖地图的。 至于什么是Tilemap,可以随便联想一下能想到的各种经典游戏,比如早期的马里奥、宝可梦、勇者斗恶龙等,地图都是由相同大小的地图块拼接而成,每个地图块一般都有自己的贴图。 如果以前用过一些rpgmaker之类的2D游戏引擎的话应该很熟悉,只需要有一堆地图素材,然后就能像拼图一样拼出一张地图。 最最普通的就是每个地图块都是正方形的Tilemap,其次就是菱形的地图,能以 …
SDL2 C++ Tile Map -- most efficient way to render lots of tiles
2015年12月24日 · Given a 15 x 15 tile map; each with 16 x 16 px tiles (this seems to me to be the optimal viewport, I may want to increase the total tile dimension to 30 x 30 instead), is there a preferred way to batch these renders?
Lazy Foo' Productions - Tiling
2024年5月28日 · Tiling is a way of making levels out of uniformly sized reusable pieces. In this tutorial we'll be making a 1280x960 sized level of out only a 160x120 sized tile set. And then create a level out of those pieces allowing us to save memory and save time by reusing pieces.
A tilemap editor for games written in C++ using SDL2.
A simple, fast, and small Windows tile map editor app for games. Programmed in C/C++ using the SDL2 library.
第29课 - 平铺 · SDL中文教程 - Kelvin喵~
在靠近最上面的地方,我们创建了一个Tile指针数组。 然后我们初始化并加载图片文件,用 clip_tiles() 函数设置精灵图的剪切矩形。
edwinv710/sdl2-tile-engine - GitHub
SDL2 TileEngine is a multi-layered tile-map engine for the creation of games using Haskell's SDL2 library (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/sdl2). SDL2 Tile Engine also supports importing CSV layers supported by popular tile map editors like Tiled.
Lazy Foo' Productions
2010年3月28日 · Tiling is a common method to create flexible level engines. Here you'll learn to load a tile map to place the tiles and how to interact with and show tiles. Tiling tutorial with SDL 2 is now available. Notice that one benefit of using tiles is that we save RAM. Instead of using a 1280 x 960 image, we only use a 320 x 240 image.