On the word “Go,” begin timing. Stop timing after patient sits back down. Record time. An older adult who takes ≥12 seconds to complete the TUG is at risk for falling. CDC’s STEADI tools and resources can help you screen, assess, and intervene to reduce your patient’s fall risk. For more information, visit www.cdc.gov/steadi.
Timed Up and Go | RehabMeasures Database - Shirley Ryan …
2013年11月6日 · The Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) assesses mobility, balance, walking ability, and fall risk in older adults. Instrument Details. The patient sits in the chair with his/her back against the chair back. On the command “go,” the patient rises from the chair, walks 3 meters at a comfortable and safe pace, turns, walks back to the chair and sits down.
起立-行走计时试验(TUG) - MedSci
起立-行走计时试验(TUG)是一种快速定量评定功能性步行能力的方法,由Podisadle和Richardson在Mathias等人的计时起立-步行测试(TUGT)的基础上加以改进而形成。 研究结果最初在美国第42届老年学年会(1989)上报告,其后发表在《美国老年学杂志》上(1991)。 由于该评定方法简单,容易掌握,应用方便,可用于临床评定和研究,因此,近年来引起了临床专业人员的关注。 1.试验工具:一张有扶手的椅子和一个秒表(没有秒表时用普遍的带有秒针的手表 …
Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test: An Overview - Verywell Health
2023年12月12日 · The Timed Up and Go test or TUG test is used to help evaluate your mobility. It is a simple test that measures how quickly you can stand up, walk 10 feet, turn around, walk back, and sit down. It is often done to assess mobility in older adults or predict their risk of falls.
起立行走测试评估量表 - 百度文库
起立行走测试(Timed Up and Go Test,简称TUG)是一种简单且常用的评估老年人行走能力的量表。 该量表通过评估老年人从坐姿站起、行走一段距离再返回坐姿的时间,以量化老年人的行走能力和平衡能力,并提供了一个初步的衡量老年人肌肉协调性和动作灵活性的指标。 2. TUG测试步骤. 起立行走测试评估量表-参考文献:7.Podsiadlo, D., & Richardson, S. (1991).
Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) - Physiopedia
Simple screening test that is a sensitive and specific measure of probability for falls among older adults [1]. A recent study published in 2022 found that the TUG test is a strong mortality predictor, displacing other established risk factors such as chronic diseases in geriatric populations of low and middle income countries. [2]
Timed Up And Go Score - Cornelison Lab
2024年10月8日 · The Timed Up and Go test is a valuable assessment tool for evaluating mobility, balance, and functional capabilities. Its simplicity and effectiveness make it a popular choice in various healthcare settings. By understanding the procedure, interpreting the results, and considering its applications and limitations, healthcare professionals can ...
Timed Up And Go Assessment - Cornelison Lab
2024年12月20日 · The Timed Up and Go (TUG) assessment is a simple yet powerful tool used to evaluate an individual's mobility, balance, and overall functional capabilities. This assessment has gained significant recognition in the healthcare and fitness industries due to its ability to provide valuable insights into a person's physical performance and potential ...
Pro's Guide To Timed Up And Go Test Norms - Cornelison Lab
2025年1月5日 · The Timed Up and Go test, or TUG, is a simple yet effective assessment tool used to evaluate an individual’s mobility, balance, and overall functional performance. This test has gained recognition in various healthcare settings, providing valuable insights into an individual’s risk of falls and their functional capabilities. In this ...
What do I have to do? A healthcare provider will watch and time how long it takes you to stand up, walk 10 feet, and walk back. They may ask you to do a practice round first. You can use a brace, cane, walker, or any device you use to walk. 1.Start by sitting in the chair. 2. Stand up and walk forward. Timer starts now! 3. Walk forward 10 feet. 4.
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