冰冻切片神经组织金属锌蒂姆(TIMM)染色试剂盒 | 赫澎(上海)生 …
蒂姆硫化法银染(Timm’s sulfide silver staining)是由蒂姆建立的用于观察脑组织和其它组织中(例如胰腺、小肠、睾丸、肾脏等)微量金属元素锌,以及其它重金属元素,例如铜、镍、钴和铁等的染色。
FD Rapid TimmStain™ Kit - FD Neuro Technologies, Inc.
FD Rapid TimmStain™ Kit is designed based on the methods described by Haug 1 and Sloviter 2. The reagents and procedure of the FD Rapid TimmStain™ Kit have been optimized to achieve a high degree of both specificity and sensitivity for the demonstration of metal ions, especially zinc in the brain of experimental animals.
A Timm-Nissl multiplane microscopic atlas of rat brain ... - Nature
2023年3月21日 · The ability of Timm’s sulphide silver method to stain zincergic terminal fields has made it a useful neuromorphological marker. Beyond its roles in zinc-signalling and neuromodulation, zinc is...
【求助】求教Timm's染色方法 - 丁香园论坛
General step-by-step Immunocytochemistry Staining ProtocolA non-perfusion Timm's staining protocol:1 Slides are placed in a rack and put into a desiccation chamber overnight also containing a beaker with 100 ml of a 0.1% Na2S solution that has been adjusted to pH 7.3 with 1.75 ml of 1N HCl to form H2S gas (Highly TOXIC!). 2 The following day, th...
A simplified timm stain procedure compatible with formaldehyde …
1982年6月1日 · A simplified Timm stain procedure compatible with formaldehyde fixation and routine paraffin embeddingof rat brain. BRAIN RES. BULL.8(6) 771–774 1982.—A simplified sulphide/silver technique for visualizing transitional metals in rat brain is described. It consists of: (1) sulphide perfusion before formaldehyde perfusion, (2) routine ...
Timms Sulphide Silver Staining - FD Neuro Technologies, Inc.
Timm’s sulfide silver staining has been used to visualize a variety of metals in brains and other tissues¹. Among these are the trace metals essential for life, such as Zn, Cu, Fe, Co, and Ni, as well as toxic metals, e.g., Hg, Cd, Pb, As, Bi, TI, Au and Ag. This method, originally developed by Timm², was later modified 3. The principal of ...
timm染色 - 百度文库
Timm Stain Solution The Timm stain solution is comprised of 4 different solutions. The recipes for these 4 comprising solutions are listed below, but the Timm stain solution is: 1) Dewax slides in 3 changes of xylene, 3min each. 2) Hydrate to de-ionized water through 4 changes of 100% EtOH, 95% EtOH. Wash well in 2 changes of de-ionized water.
FD NeuroTechnologies FD Rapid TimmStain™ Kit 快速金属离子染 …
Timm’s sulphide silver method ( Timm 银染硫化物法)至今仍是一种非常灵敏的检测中枢神经系统( CNS )金属离子,特别是锌离子( Zn )的技术。该技术的检测原理在于组织内的金属离子能被转化为金属硫化物,之后,在还原剂的作用下金属硫化物催化银离子还原为 ...
A simplified Timm stain procedure compatible with formaldehyde …
A simplified sulphide/silver technique for visualizing transitional metals in rat brain is described. It consists of: (1) sulphide perfusion before formaldehyde perfusion, (2) routine paraffin embedding and sectioning, and (3) silver staining with physical developer.
改良的Timm染色法显示大鼠海马苔藓纤维末梢出芽的变化 - 百度 …
Timm染色方法是一种能够显示组织细胞内重金属分布的常用方法 .苔藓纤维末端是脑内含锌量最高的区域,因此可以用此方法显示苔藓纤维末梢分布的情况 .1、材料与方法1.1 样品制备在恒温冷箱切片机中制备大鼠脑海马部位的连续冰冻切片,片厚30μm,吹干备用.1.2 ...