API Timp V1
The TIMP API is a REST JSON API that follows the CRUD standard. Connection and authentication information Base URL: https://api.timp.pro/api Authentication Method: HTTP Header Api-Access-Key Accept HTTP Header: application/timp.timp-v1 How to …
CRAN: Package TIMP
A problem solving environment (PSE) for fitting separable nonlinear models to measurements arising in physics and chemistry experiments, as described by Mullen & van Stokkum (2007) < …
Home - TIMP
Software de gestión, app de reservas, agenda digital y clases online. Todo en uno: el poder de gestionar tu tiempo. Sea cual sea el tamaño de tu empresa, tu sector o situación. Optimiza tu negocio y libera todo su potencial al mejor precio.
GitHub - glotaran/TIMP: TIMP is an R package for fitting …
TIMP is an R package developed by Mullen and van Stokkum for fitting models to data arising from time-resolved spectroscopy, Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) and mass spectroscopy experiments. The package provides a comprehensive problem solving environment (PSE) for fitting separable nonlinear models to a variety of datasets.
TIMP installation instructions
CRAN Installing TIMP, stable version from CRAN Installing TIMP, bleeding edge version here R-Forge
ELISA系列 | 金属蛋白酶组织抑制剂TIMPs家族 - 知乎
TIMPs是一种内源性蛋白酶抑制剂,与基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)以1:1结合形成复合物,调控MMPs的活化或功能。 人类中有4个TIMPs。 TIMP-1于1981年纯化,TIMP-2于1990年被克隆,TIMP-3于1992年被克隆,TIMP-4于1996被鉴定。 由184到194个氨基酸组成。 分为N端和C端结构域,每个结构域都有三个二硫键。 N末端结构域有时被称为“抑制结构域”,因为单独这个结构域也能够抑制MMPs。 然而,完整TIMP与MMPs的相互作用跨越两个结构域,可产生高一个数 …
Releases: glotaran/TIMP - GitHub
2022年12月13日 · TIMP is an R package for fitting superposition models that implements the partitioned variable projection algorithm. The package has been extensively applied to modeling spectroscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) datasets. This is the git managed codebase of the r-forge TIMP project. - Releases · glotaran/TIMP
TIMP download
This is the most recent version of TIMP. See installation documentation for installation instructions of the stable version from CRAN.
TIMP: An R package for modeling multi-way spectroscopy data
TIMP is a problem solving environment for fitting superposition models in the form of an R package. The package has been extensively applied to modeling spectroscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) datasets
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