Tina Subic - Postdoctoral Researcher - University of Pittsburgh
I am interested in merging mechanistic knowledge of biology with simulation and data-driven approaches · Experience: University of Pittsburgh · Education: Technische Universität Dresden · Location:...
- 职位: I am interested in merging …
- 位置: University of Pittsburgh
- 人脉数: 336
Tina Subic | Department of Computational and Systems Biology
What is Systems Biology? Pitt Med’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of individuals, communities and populations through cutting-edge research, innovative educational programs in medicine and biomedical science, and leadership in academic medicine.
Tina SUBIC | Center for Systems Biology Dresden, Dresden
Tina SUBIC of Center for Systems Biology Dresden, Dresden | Contact Tina SUBIC
Chikina Lab: People
Currently faculty at Lehigh University. If you are interested in joining the Chikina lab as a postdoctoral associate, Ph.D student, or undergraduate researcher, contact Maria.
The inaugural Pitt Biological Physics Day showcases …
2024年9月30日 · Tina Subic, a postdoctoral researcher in CSB, presented a poster on the differential loop extrusion model. “I got to explain my topic to a bunch of people, and they seemed really curious and excited,” she said.
Tina SUBIC | University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana | Biotechnical …
Tina SUBIC of University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana | Contact Tina SUBIC
Tina Subic - Home - ACM Digital Library
Search within Tina Subic's work. Search Search. Home Tina Subic. Tina Subic. Skip slideshow. Most frequent co-Author ...
Tina Subic - Semantic Scholar
Tina Subic I. Sbalzarini. Physics, Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Physics. 16 December 2024 ...
Tina Subic’s Post - LinkedIn
Tina Subic’s Post Tina Subic I am interested in merging mechanistic knowledge of biology with simulation and data-driven approaches
Tina Šubic (@tina_subic) • Instagram photos and videos
718 Followers, 812 Following, 127 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Tina Šubic (@tina_subic)