GitHub - technoblogy/tiny-i2c: Minimal I2C master routines for …
TinyI2C is a set of minimal I2C routines that allow just about any Microchip/Atmel AVR processor to connect to I2C peripherals. For more information and examples see Tiny I2C Routines for …
harbaum/I2C-Tiny-USB: Cheap and simple I²C to USB interface - GitHub
2022年1月10日 · The i2c-tiny-usb project is an open source/open hardware project. The goal of i2c-tiny-usb is to provide a cheap generic i2c interface to be attached to the usb. It is meant as …
GitHub - K4zuki/tinyI2C: A tiny UART-I2C converter project using …
This is a tiny UART-I2C converter software/hardware project using mbed conpatible microcontrollers. The module converts UART command packets into I2C/SPI protocol or GPIO …
Tiny I2C Routines for all AVR Microcontrollers - Technoblogy
2022年4月19日 · These universal Tiny I2C routines provide master I2C support for all three generations of AVR processors by providing three separate blocks of code. The correct block …
i2c-star:基于STM32的i2c-tiny-usb兼容实现 - CSDN博客
2024年9月1日 · i2c-star 是一个基于STM32F103C8T6微控制器的i2c-tiny-usb兼容项目。虽然其固件并未采用原作者Till Harbaum的代码,但设计上完全兼容i2c-tiny-usb驱动程序,可以在主 …
Minimal Tiny I2C Routines - Technoblogy
This article describes a set of minimal I2C routines for ATtiny processors. They allow any ATtiny processor with a hardware USI to act as an I2C Master and connect to I2C peripherals. As an …
Tiny DS1307 RTC I2C模块的使用(含单片机程序+仿真)
2019年3月21日 · 发现其接口只要四根线,方便为最小系统板的单片机系统所用,而且模块内集成了DS1307时钟芯片和24C32型EEPROM芯,可为单片机系统提供准确时钟和增强存储能力。 …
I2C-Star: 基于STM32的开源I2C转USB适配器项目 - CSDN博客
2025年1月10日 · I2C-Star 是一个基于STM32微控制器的开源项目,旨在创建一个兼容i2c-tiny-usb的适配器。 该项目的目标是实现一个无需在宿主机上安装特殊软件即可使用的I2C转USB …
GitHub - dattasaurabh82/TinyMegaI2C: An efficient and optimised i2c …
TinyMegaI2C is a set of minimal I2C routines for the new 0-series and 1-series ATtiny and ATmega microcontrollers. They allow any of these processors to act as an I2C Master and …
I2C - TinyGo
2023年4月3日 · I2C is a widely used protocol for communication between chips because it requires only two digital pins on a microcontroller to communicate with multiple external …
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