Iatrogenic Nasal Tip Bossae : Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment
Prevention is our primary goal, and the incidence of this iatrogenic problem will decrease as the surgeon's understanding of the dynamics of healing in the altered nasal tip increases. We …
- 作者: W. Jarrard Goodwin, John F. Schmidt
- Publish Year: 1987
Prevention and correction of nasal tip bossae in rhinoplasty
Nasal tip bossae are most often due to dynamic forces acting on iatrogenic changes and/or weakness in the alar cartilages. By minimizing cartilage excision, reinforcing areas of …
- 作者: Russell W. H. Kridel, Patricia J. Yoon, R. James Koch
- Publish Year: 2003
Correction and prevention of tip asymmetries, bossae, and alar …
2024年5月28日 · In addition to prevention, there are many operative and procedural interventions to correct tip asymmetries, bossae, and alar retraction. These interventional corrections …
Objective: To describe our experiences with nasal tip bossae, suggest a standard nomenclature, discuss caus-ativefactors,andprovideacomprehensive,analyticap-proach to the prevention and …
How to get rid of nasal tip bossae? - RealSelf
2014年3月16日 · Hard to tell from the picture if your tip issue is bossae or just a visible shield graft. Depending on your specific area of concern, filler could be of some use to camouflage …
Nasal Tip Bossae in Rhinoplasty: - Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
1999年4月1日 · NASAL TIP bossae—knuckling or prominence of the nasal tip cartilage creating visible or palpable asymmetry—are a complication of …
- 作者: Grant S. Gillman, Robert L. Simons, David J. Lee
- Publish Year: 1999
Nasal tip bossae in rhinoplasty. Etiology, predisposing …
Bossae formation is a common late complication seen following modification of the nasal tip during rhinoplasty and the incidence will decrease as the surgeon's understanding of the dynamics of healing in the altered nasal tip increases.
Tip Bossing in Rhinoplasty Treatment & Management - Medscape
2023年11月1日 · Bossing repair typically involves shaving or excision. Postoperative symmetry is the greatest concern to both the patient and surgeon. This procedure requires minimal …
Nasal Tip Deformities After Primary Rhinoplasty - PubMed
Nasal tip deformities after primary rhinoplasty may occur, including the formation of bossae, a pinched nasal tip, and nasal tip ischemia. Because of the central location in the midface, even …
Tip Bossing in Rhinoplasty: Background, History of the ... - Medscape
Nasal tip bossing is most frequently a complication of septorhinoplasty that results in an asymmetrical nasal tip. The main feature of nasal bossing is a prominence of the dome. This...