Home - TIRAP
Built by and for telecommunications employers, the Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP) is a competency-based apprenticeship aimed at growing the productivity of the workforce.
DoL Awards WIA Funding to Develop 5G Workforce - TIRAP
2020年9月28日 · DoL provided WIA a multi-million-dollar contract as the National Sponsor of the Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP). The objective of the funding is to expand the industry’s multi-employer apprenticeship model to meet employers’ occupational and skills development needs.
Telecom Occupations - TIRAP
Built by and for telecommunications employers, TIRAP is a competency-based apprenticeship aimed at growing the productivity of the workforce
U.S. Department of Labor, WIA and TIRAP Celebrate …
TIRAP is a joint venture of telecommunications companies, industry associations and the U.S. Department of Labor that develops DOL-credentialed apprenticeship programs available to qualified employers for career development of the telecommunications workforce, focused on ensuring quality, enabling efficiency, while ensuring a safe working ...
Use Case: Building Out Broadband by Building Up the Workforce
TIRAP offers a framework for employers to systematically and consistently apply broadband and telecommunications occupational training across their organizations. Congruex is one of more than 100 employers nationwide offering apprenticeships for employees that align with TIRAP’s 16 occupation outlines .
Employer Partners - TIRAP
WIA’s Telecommunications Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP) was built for telecom companies by telecom companies. Industry came together to decide on standards for employee development – competencies that are critical for success.
Frequently Asked Questions - TIRAP
The Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP) is organized to improve workplace safety, address industry workforce needs, and provide employment and advancement opportunities.
WIA is the National Sponsor of the Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP) Since 2017, WIA has administered National Standards of Apprenticeship along with the United States Department of Labor for approved …
Q&A with Deb Bennett - TIRAP
Deb Bennett, drives the strategic vision for WIAs Registered Apprenticeship program known as TIRAP. Get her insight into the role and opportunity of having your company offer Registered Apprenticeship.
Companies in TIRAP receive a range of supports and benefits. These include: A more highly skilled workforce. A pipeline to fill necessary positions. Lower worker turnover and higher worker loyalty and productivity. A workforce with greater problem-solving ability and adaptability