TITONI - high quality mechanical watches since 1919
TITONI’s Gents collection is a true homage to the great tradition of Swiss Watchmaking: from the company’s legendary icon, the Airmaster, to models that have become modern classics with a timeless elegance, and the premium products for watch-lovers and connoisseurs – all TITONI watches display fine aesthetics and first-class craftsmanship.
Titoni of Switzerland
这款经 COSC 官方天文台认证的腕表专为便利读时而设计,这是飞行员腕表的标志性配置。 特殊的三文治表盘采用 Superluminova 夜光材质,其高低层次使夜光从表盘下方透出,营造更清晰的夜视效果,更优化了指针和时标的对比度。 表冠设置的凹凸纹理能增强抓握力,免却特大表冠的需要。 一直广受欢迎的Seascoper 300,最近推出了由精钢和PVD镀黄金搭配的表链版本;金银相间表链不但彰显此经典表款的大气时尚,格外别致的气息更令人赏心悦目。 夏天来啦! 瑞士梅花 …
TITONI 梅花表 - 手表價錢、價格、詳細規格查詢 - Horoguides 名 …
HOROGUIDES名錶指南鐘錶數碼平台:搜尋ROLEX勞力士、PATEK PHILIPPE百達翡麗、AP愛彼、OMEGA歐米茄各大名錶價錢、買錶必讀懶人包、熱門名錶排行榜、全球鐘錶IG排行榜、達人觀點、IG會客室、鐘錶民調 TimeLab、各大零售商資訊、最專業即時市場報導。
Titoni - Airmaster - Gent - 83908 S-691 - Titoni of Switzerland
Distinctive quarter-hour Roman numerals complemented by refined, pyramidal hour indexes using diamond-cut technology are set beautifully on the dial. The case back is stamped with a sailing boat inspired by the power of air. It is a quiet companion for …
MASTER SERIES Gents Watches - Titoni of Switzerland
TITONI´s premium product. The watch with its classic and elegant design has been created for connoisseurs and watch-lovers alike.
Titoni - 空中霸王系列 - 男表 - 83908 S-690
这个传奇系列的最新款式拥有大开面,在传承了数十年来强有力的风格同时,赋予焕然一新的造型。 空中霸王全系列皆采用顶级零件,是瑞士梅花表历久弥新代代相传的经典之作。 设计精致突起的立体表圈就像一顶尊贵的皇冠静置于经过缎面打磨的表壳上。 表壳两端如老鹰尾翼一般延展的独特设计与双立面的的表圈相益得彰,为整体流线造型更添一份优雅风味。 3、6、9与12点钟上别致的罗马数字搭配经由钻石切割工艺打造的錐形时间刻度,完美妆点带有日辉纹的表盘。 5节式 …
Titoni Men's Airmaster Mechanical - The Watch House
Buy Titoni Men's Airmaster Mechanical. Find out more about the watch size, color and strap. Analog Watch for Men, Round, Two Tone Steel With Yellow Gold. At only AED4885.
TITONI - The Watch House
Titoni Men's Automatic Textile Case Green Dial ... The Watch House from Al-Futtaim Watches & Jewellery, selling some of the world most renowned watch brands. Check our website for the best watch designs!
Titoni: 291 watches with prices - The Watch Pages
Dedicated to quality and affordability, Titoni’s most popular lines include the COSC-certified Master series, the Heritage, the Cosmo, and the elegant Airmaster.