Fluke TiX580 红外热像仪 | 福禄克
TiX580 是一款坚固耐用、设计出色的 640 x 480 热像仪。 现在,用户可以比以往更加可靠地执行热成像检查并更快取得结果,所有一切都依靠 Fluke 产品一贯的耐用性和易用性。
Product overview: Fluke TiX580 Infrared Camera - Fluke Corporation
The Fluke TiX580 Infrared Camera features Fluke IR-Fusion® technology with Picture-in-Picture, full visible light, and AutoBlend™ modes for easier identification and reporting of problems. On-board advanced analytics allow users to adjust or enhance images right on the camera without additional software.
Fluke TiX580 60 Hz Infrared Camera with SuperResolution, -4 …
Perform quality assurance, preventive maintenance, and outdoor inspections with this ergonomically designed infrared camera featuring a 680 x 480 resolution and superior image quality. Versatile and easy to use, this camera comes with an articulating touchscreen that rotates 240° and offers a temperature range up to 1832°F (1000°C).
2 Fluke Corporation TiX580, TiX560, TiX520 and TiX500 Infrared Cameras. Powerful, new, easy-to-use Fluke Connect ® SmartView ® desktop software. Now available, a comprehensive and connected software platform that represents the . future of integrated equipment maintenance, monitoring, analysis and reporting. It’s
新型TiX580红外热像仪拥有240度可旋转屏幕,使工程师能够在物体上方、下方和周围轻松进行观察,以及预览和捕获图像。 与标准的3.5英寸屏幕相比,5.7英寸屏幕的可视区域提高了150%,使工程师能够在现场快速判断问题,并在热像仪上直接编辑图像,节省跑回 ...
Fluke TIX580 60HZ Thermal Imager; 640x480; 60 HZ, SR
TIX580 60HZ 60 Hz, 640 x 480, .93 mRad HD Thermal Imaging Camera with Fluke Connect Compatibility, -4 Degree F to 1472 Degree F, with SuperResolution and MultiSharp Focus. Get an in-focus image with the touch of a button.
- Reviews: 1
【福禄克TiX580】福禄克(FLUKE)TiX580 红外热像仪【行情 报 …
「美国Fluke TiX580 红外热像仪」 价格、参数、图片 - 仪器网
Sep 19, 2024 · TiX580 是一款坚固耐用、设计出色的 640 x 480 热像仪。 现在,用户可以比以往更加可靠地执行热成像检查并更快取得结果,所有一切都依靠 Fluke 产品一贯的耐用性和易用性。
Fluke TiX580 Infrared Camera | Fluke - Fluke Corporation
The Fluke TiX580 Infrared Camera features Fluke IR-Fusion® technology with Picture-in-Picture, full visible light, and AutoBlend™ modes for easier identification and reporting of problems. On-board advanced analytics allow users to adjust or enhance images right on the camera without additional software.
Fluke TIX580 Thermal Imager; 640x480; 60 HZ | Transcat
Fluke TiX580 60Hz Highlights. Get stunning 640 x 480 image quality and surprising affordability in the TiX580 (suburb 320 x 240 resolution is available in the TiX560 – TiX500 models) Premium in-field viewing experience with the 5.7 inch responsive LCD touchscreen – 150 % more viewing area (Compared to a standard 3.5 inch screen)