Dec 2, 2017 · 由于某种原因,他在完成设计过程后项目就被伊戈尔·斯特金(Igor Stechkin)接手,接手后新枪被命名为TKB-486,这是苏联第一支使用9x18毫米子弹的冲锋枪。
TKB-486 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The TKB-486 was designed in 1955 by Igor Stechkin of TKB-0146 and Stechkin automatic pistol fame. The weapon was the first submachine gun to use the 9x18mm Makarov round. It fired at 550 RPM and had admirable accuracy for its time.
被遗忘的苏联武器(3)第一支马卡洛夫手枪弹冲锋枪 - 知乎
这项工作一开始由Nicolai Fedorovich Makarov后来交给了斯捷奇金,1955年完成设计工作型号TKB-486。 这是苏联第一支使用9x18毫米手枪弹的冲锋枪。 TKB-486采用自由枪机式原理,包络式枪机。
TKB-486: The First Soviet SMG Chambered in 9x18mm Makarov
Nov 30, 2017 · The new gun was called TKB-486 and it was the first Soviet SMG chambered in 9x18mm Makarov. TKB-486 was a blowback operated firearm with a telescoping bolt. The overall length of TKB-486 was 612mm (a little over 24″) with the stock extended and when the stock was folded it became as compact as 380mm (15″).
TKB - Thinline Weapons Wiki
Aug 31, 2024 · TKB-408 - 7.62x39 - The TKB-408 is a bullpup rifle with a tilting bolt which was submitted to trails in 1946 to the Red Army as their next main rifle. Of the trails, none were selected although the AK-47 was later adopted after several revisions, some being major changes. The TKB-408 is a select fire wit semi and full auto fire capabilities.
【后面有时间,维局会详细写写斯捷奇金设计的tkb-0146高频点射步枪,是阿巴甘项目中尼科诺夫步枪主要(也几乎是唯一)的竞争对手。 年老的斯捷奇金与他的爱枪。
Jan 28, 2021 · tkb-486冲锋枪 尽管它是苏联历史上第一枚使用9x18mm子弹的冲锋枪,而且仍可折叠,但在1940年代和50年代著名的枪支诞生之初,这种冲锋枪就没有普及。 这种TKB-486的总长度为612mm,并配有折叠式枪托。
和经典失之交臂的三款特殊冲锋枪 其中一款曾被认为是P90的前身
Apr 5, 2020 · tkb-486折叠冲锋枪 得益于雄厚的工业基础,早在上世纪五十年代的时候,前苏联轻武器就已经进入了现代化模式,其中最为突出除了鼎鼎大名的AK47,这一款并不多见的TKB-486冲锋枪,也曾经让人眼前一亮。
Stechkin TKB-486 - 3D model by kutejnikov - Sketchfab
Apr 26, 2016 · The TKB-486 (Russian: ТКБ-486) is a prototype submachine gun in 9x18mm PM designed by Igor Yakovlevich Stechkin at the TsKIB SOO (1955).
Igor Stechkin - Wikipedia
TKB-506, prototype handgun designed to look like a cigar cutter; TKB-486, a prototype submachine gun in 9×18mm; TKB-0116, prototype compact assault rifle, lost design competition to AKS74U; TKB-0146, prototype assault rifle entered in Project Abakan, but lost to AN-94; OC-01 Kobalt, double-action 9 mm revolver; OC-23 Drotik, 5.45 mm machine pistol
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