Kind Mita | MiSide Wiki | Fandom
Kind Mita is the primary Mita who the Player interacts with, helping them in their fight against Crazy Mita and is skilled at hopping between the different versions. During the initial events of the game, Kind Mita is found by the player inside an underground cell, where she is …
Mitas | MiSide Wiki | Fandom
The Mitas are the primary inhabitants of the game world shown in MiSide. They serve as the primary characters with whom the player will interact during their playthrough. Each version of the game posses a different form of Mita. For every one made from a version, a new duplicate of that Mita, as well as a room for her, is created. All Mitas posses a …
Kind Mita/zh - MiSide Wiki
善良米塔是游戏的次要主角,她的目的是阻止疯狂米塔。她最终在游戏结束时为了这个目标牺牲了自己,获得了重置她所需的 Crazy Mita 的代码,并在此过程中被她杀死。 “善良米塔可谓是认真务实。任何人在她身上都能发现领导者的特质。
善良米塔 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
善良米塔 (俄语: Мита добрая;英文: Kind Mita)是 AIHASTO 旗下游戏《MiSide》及其衍生作品的登场角色, 是本游戏的里之女主角,主人公的最强伙伴。 善良米塔有着蓝紫色的及腰长发,一侧的刘海用发卡夹着。 她与其他的米塔一样有着相对统一的着装:橙色圆领长袖毛衣、蓝色百褶短裙、橙色过膝长筒袜和蓝色高跟鞋。 此外,可以通过游戏主菜单的设置,可以修改包括善良米塔在内米塔们的服饰。 截至v0.9,共有默认服饰(即上述的服饰)、校服(蓝色和白色水手 …
Kind Mita | Omniversal Battlefield Wiki - Fandom
Kind Mita is a supporting character and secondary protagonist of the 2024 indie game titled "MiSide". She is a fictional character from a the fictional, mobile life simulation game called "MiSide". She was originally held captive in her version by …
The Mitas in Miside - Miside Zone
Kind Mita is the primary Mita who the player interacts with, helping them in their fight against Crazy Mita and is skilled at hopping between the different versions. Cool Mita, also known as Cap-Wearing Mita or Cappie, is the third Mita the player meets. She is notable for her happy and energetic attitude as well as her signature hat and gloves.
善良米塔 - 萌娘百科 萬物皆可萌的百科全書
善良米塔 (俄語: Мита добрая;英文: Kind Mita)是 AIHASTO 旗下遊戲《MiSide》及其衍生作品的登場角色, 是本遊戲的裡之女主角,主人公的最強夥伴。 善良米塔有著藍紫色的及腰長髮,一側的劉海用髮卡夾著。 她與其他的米塔一樣有著相對統一的著裝:橙色圓領長袖毛衣、藍色百褶短裙、橙色過膝長筒襪和藍色高跟鞋。 此外,可以通過遊戲主菜單的設置,可以修改包括善良米塔在內米塔們的服飾。 截至v0.9,共有默認服飾(即上述的服飾)、校服(藍色和白色水手 …
Kind Mita - MiSide Wiki
Kind Mita is the secondary protagonist of the game that has it as her mission to stop Crazy Mita. She ends up sacrificing herself for that goal at the end of the game by getting Crazy Mita's code that is needed to reset her, getting killed by her in the process.
Kind Mita Detailed - Miside Zone
Kind Mita is the primary Mita who the player interfacts with and help player fights against Crazy Mita. who is being held in her cell by Crazy Mita and gets the player's attention by banging on the pipe in her cell. You can hear Kind Mita cries for help in the wardrobe/card sequence is.
Kind Mita - The Nurturing Presence in MiSide - MiSide Wiki
Kind Mita represents the gentle and caring side of Mita in MiSide. She serves as a supportive figure, providing comfort and assistance to the protagonist. Her presence emphasizes themes of care and emotional connection within the narrative, making her interactions warm and nurturing.