INSTRUCTIONS AND CHART VALUES BEFORE OPERATING THE CRANE. OPERATION WHICH DOES NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN AN ACCIDENT. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL: 1. Rated lifting capacities in pounds as shown on lift charts pertain to this crane as originally manufactured and normally equipped. Modifications to the crane or use of optional
TLL Practice Problems – Load Chart Laboratory
Forty-five practice problems and solutions to assist operators preparing for the NCCCO TLL specialty exam. Sixty-eight pages of study material included. Does not include load charts. Load charts are available at no charge from the NCCCO web site https://www.nccco.org/docs/default-source/reference-materials-2014/mco-
These charts have been adapted from the original manufacturer’s charts for use in CCO Written Examinations. This supplement is not to be used for any other purpose.
Updated: Grove TLL Load Chart Tutorial for NCCCO Specialty Exam
2018年6月26日 · An updated, more thorough version of the Grove TLL load chart tutorial....more.
TElEsCOPIC bOOM CRANE—sWING CAb (Tll) LOAd CHARTS for Use in CCO Written Examinations © Copyright 2011 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO). All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express written permission of the manufacturer and the consent of NCCCO.
Tier One Crane LLC – "Developing the next generation of the crane …
Each online course is designed specifically for whichever crane type you desire. The content, quizzes, and exams are based strictly off of NCCCO’s four domains: Site, Operations, Technical Knowledge, and Manufacturers’ Load Charts. Each course has a separate interactive video for each lesson, followed up with quiz.
TLL Load Charts Flashcards - Quizlet
TLL Load Charts. Save. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Get a hint. What is the net capacity lifting off the main over the side? Main Boom Length: 70 ft - Mode B Main Boom Angle: Radius: 50 ft Jib/Extension: Offset: Block: 40 ton, 2 parts line Ball: 8.5 ton, 10 ft below tip Rigging: 250 lbs Main Rope 1 lb/ft: Aux Rope 1 lb/ft: Other: Auxiliary ...
LOAD CHART TELESCOPIC BOOM CRANE—SWING CAB (TLL) Copyright 1996–2016 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO). All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express written permission of the manufacturer and the consent of NCCCO.
Rated loads include the weight of hookblock, slings and auxiliary lifting devices and their weights shall be subtracted from the listed rating to obtain the net load to be lifted.
Load Chart Lab - YouTube
Cranes covered include the Lattice Boom Crawler (LBC), telescopic boom swing-cab (TLL), and telescopic boom fixed cab (TSS). To purchase study materials click on the link below...
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