With the regular electricity production of OL3, 30% of Finland's electricity will soon come from one island. OL3 is an EPR (European Pressurized Water Reactor) plant unit with a net electrical output of approximately 1,600 MW. OL3 includes modern proven …
OL3 : Production chart - TVO
OL3 : Production chart Disruption-free, predictable and competitive electricity production is the objective of TVO’s operation and maintenance activities. Nuclear and operating safety always comes first.
TVO - Home
2025年3月17日 · We produce almost third of Finland’s electricity in a year. It is equal to the annual consumption of 1,3 million houses. It could also charge up to 4.6 million electric cars to travel around the world (total 40,075 kilometres per round). A NUCLEAR POWER OPERATOR ACTING FOR THE CLIMATE.
【一文看懂】芬蘭OL3核電廠有這麼神嗎? | 財經焦點 - 太報 …
2024年5月11日 · 芬蘭OL3為Olkiluoto(歐基洛托)核電廠的第3座機組,裝置容量160萬瓩,2005年8月開始興建,原計畫2009年完工,但建造過程一波三折,最終拖到2023年4月才正式商轉,是目前歐洲最大的核電廠。因此,OL3工程延宕期間恐怕比12年還更長。
TVO cleared to start up OL3 reactor - World Nuclear News
2024年9月19日 · Finnish utility Teollisuuden Voima Oyj has today received permission from the country's Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority to bring the Olkiluoto 3 EPR to first criticality and conduct low-power tests. The unit is expected to begin generating electricity at the end of January, with regular electricity production starting in June 2022.
Ongoing turbine works further delay Olkiluoto 3 start-up
2024年9月19日 · Regular electricity production at the Olkiluoto 3 EPR is now expected to begin in June 2022 due to extended turbine overhaul and inspection works, Finnish utility Teollisuuden Voima Oyj announced. The extension of those works has already led to a one-month delay in the plant's start-up. The turbine hall at the Olkiluoto 3 EPR (Image: TVO)
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Commissioning EPR Olkiluoto 3 : first insights from the TVO team
Olkiluoto-3 (OL3) is the first EPR to reach criticality in Europe. OL3 is also the first reactor to be commissioned in Finland in 40 years. On December 21, 2021, less than a week after receiving authorization from the Finnish Nuclear Safety Authority (Stuk), the reactor reached first criticality and TVO is now conducting numerous tests at ...
芬蘭OL3壓水式反應爐 安全造價貴 | 非核家園轉彎? | 要聞 | 聯合新聞網
2024年5月7日 · 在北歐國家 芬蘭 西南岸外海的奧爾基洛托(Olkiluoto,OL)島,建有全歐最大核反應爐:奧爾基洛托 核電 廠三號機(OL3),其發電總量約一點六吉瓦(GW)。 OL3這座歐洲壓水反應爐(EPR)自二 五年起興建,由 法國 主導的亞瑞華及西門子AG承包。 OL3計畫提供全芬蘭近三分之一電力,並自去年四月十六日開始正常發電。...