TM1640 based, 16 digit display (dealextreme) - Arduino Forum
2011年12月5日 · I can get the Chinese version of the TM1640 downloaded, translate.google.com won't do the translation. Need the address information on I2C commands to send it data for …
How to control this display? [SOLVED] - Arduino Forum
2022年7月13日 · Hello! I recovered a display from a UPS thrown in the trash. I looked at the TM1640 IC on the back and it seemed familiar to me, he is a 'cousin' of the TM1637.
controlle TM1640 with arduino using shiftout function
2019年8月7日 · 2- The TM1640 which I have is directly connected to 16 digit 7 segment display in such a connection that doesn't Match with the library parameters ( as e.g when I type "123") it …
Help with 8x8 RG LED matrix w/ TM1640 chip - Arduino Forum
2013年5月24日 · (Play-Zone.CH 8x8 Dual Color LED-Matrix mit TM1640 Treiber) As i had the same issue with the pins i asked the shop for support and they posted a picture: the 4 pins …
Proyecto nuevo con TM1640 Ayuda plz... - Arduino Forum
2012年8月31日 · He incluido las librerias Tm1640 de Ricardo Batista y compilado el conjunto satisfactoriamente. Se ha simplificado mucho el script empleando arrays,... eneste punto ha …
TM1640 based, 16 digit display (dealextreme) - Arduino Forum
2012年1月13日 · Well, the Tm164 is actually 28 pins. All the A segments are connected on parallel, all the Bs, all the Cs, Ds, Es, Fs, all the Decimal Points. So that's 8 pins. Then each …
Read data to TM1640 - Programming - Arduino Forum
2024年4月14日 · hello, it is posible to read data sended to TM1640 ? i have acces two wires clk and data. Code bellow work with display but i need read the data sended to displays thx …
TM1640 demo sketch works for ATtiny85 in IDE0022, but not …
2013年4月22日 · I'm using the code from the instructible, but the standard 2.1.3 example for TM1640 compiles okay also. As a fallback I'll be completing this project in Arduino IDE0022, …
[RESOLU]Valeur analogique sur afficheur Leds 7 segments x4 …
2012年12月25日 · Bonjour, j'ai cherché pendant pas mal de temps mais rien, alors je pose ma question 🙄 Je veux afficher une valeur d'une broche analogique sur un afficheur 4x 7 segments …
TM1650 Arduino library for 2 x 8 led display
2023年4月22日 · Hey all I am using a 2 digit 8 segment TM1650 Arduino library and I can't seem to find the setting for that?