Controlled growth of atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides ...
2020年12月1日 · Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) offers facile control in synthesizing 2D TMDC as well as a high degree of freedom for tuning their structures and properties. In this review, we elaborate on recent advances in CVD techniques for synthesizing atomically thin TMDC.
Transition metal dichalcogenide metaphotonic and self-coupled ...
2022年9月23日 · Here, we report a bulk MoS 2 metaphotonic platform realized by a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) bottom-up method, supporting both pronounced dielectric optical modes and self-coupled polaritons....
Synthesis of two‐dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides for ...
First, we summarize the preparation methods of TMDCs and their vdWH including chemical (eg, chemical vapor deposition [CVD]) and physical (eg, physical vapor deposition [PVD]) methods. Then, the most recent applications of these emerging TMDCs and their vdWHs materials in electronics and optoelectronics are discussed.
2018年11月29日 · 化学气相沉积 (CVD)是目前应用最为广泛以及最成熟的用来沉积多种TMDC材料的技术.它的原理比较简单:两种或两种以上的气态原材料导入到一个反应室内,然后他们相互之间发生化学反应,形成一种新的材料,沉积到晶片表面上.对参数的精确控制,人们能够通过CVD来生长单层,单异质结,多异质结的TMDC材料.为什么我们热衷于长单层的TMDC材料? 这主要是因为单层的二维过渡金属硫化物是直接带隙材料,这对光源的调控以及器件的性能有着很大的影 …
Tailored Growth of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides’ Monolayers …
2024年11月2日 · Here, results on the tailored growth of monolayers (MLs) of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are presented using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques. To enable reproducible growth, the flow of chalcogen precursors is controlled by Knudsen cells providing an advantage in comparison to the commonly used open crucible techniques.
Epitaxial Growth of Two-Dimensional Layered Transition-Metal ...
2017年7月6日 · In this Review, we introduce the latest development of TMDC synthesis by CVD approaches and provide further insight for the controllable and reliable synthesis of atomically thin TMDCs. Understanding of the vapor-phase growth mechanism of 2D TMDCs could benefit the formation of complicated heterostructures and novel artificial 2D lattices.
Strategies for Controlled Growth of Transition Metal …
To reach the controllable CVD growth of wafer-scale, grain-boundary-free, and highly uniform TMDs, precise research should focus on atmospheric pressure CVD (APCVD), low-pressure CVD (LPCVD), and metal-organic CVD (MOCVD).
Large-Area Transfer of 2D TMDCs Assisted by a Water-Soluble …
2022年4月2日 · In this Review, the authors introduce the latest development of TMDC synthesis by CVD approaches and provide further insight for the controllable and reliable synthesis of atomically thin TMDCs. Understanding of the vapor-phase growth mechanism of 2-dimensional TMDCs could benefit the formation of complicated heterostructures and novel ...
使用原位光谱直接观察单层MoS2的CVD生长,Beilstein ... - X-MOL
2019年2月26日 · 在这里,我们报告了二维TMDCs CVD生长的第一个实时原位研究。 更具体地说,已经使用差示透射光谱法(DTS)现场监测了蓝宝石衬底上二硫化钼(MoS2)单层的CVD生长。 MoS2单层的生长可以通过观察特征光学特征的演变来精确地跟踪。 因此,揭示了MoS 2单层的生长速率与CVD反应器中的温度分布之间的强相关性。 Real-time monitoring is essential for understanding and precisely controlling of growth of two-dimensional transition metal …
Nature子刊最新综述:2D过渡金属硫化物 - 材料牛
2017年6月22日 · mocvd是cvd方法的延伸,是一种基于气相前驱体的方法,在20世纪90年代首次用于tmdcs的合成。 最近,通过该方法在不同基体上成功制备了圆片状的MoS 2 和WS 2 ,而且具有优异的电学性能。