TMDE and PMEL EPR Bullets
Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) EPR Bullets TMDE and PMEL EPR Bullets - ID'd AF wide torque safety issue; coord'd w/engineers to update CMS safety data--prevented damage to 15.4K assets
Join the team of Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory specialists and ensure precise maintenance by calibrating equipment at every phase. Apply now.
Precision measurement equipment laboratory - Wikipedia
A Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL) is a United States Air Force (USAF) facility in which the calibration and repair of test equipment takes place. This practice is also known as metrology : the science of measurement .
Condition of TMDE Delivered to PMEL. TMDE monitors/coordinators must ensure the condition of TMDE delivered to PMEL is in compliance with requirements of T.O.s 33-1-127
Deliver TMDE to the PMEL with all ancillary equipment (e.g., preamps, power supplies, adapters, cables or probes) needed for calibration. PMEL personnel shall advise the
Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL). FAC: 2171. 1.1. Description. This facility provides intermediate-level maintenance and calibration of test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) for assigned units.
2012年3月12日 · Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL) Specialty, is a comprehensive education and training document that identifies life-cycle education/training requirements, training support resources, and minimum core task requirements for …
Supersedes AFM 88-4CH10, 19 June 1974. This manual implements AFPD 32-10, Installations and Facilities. It prescribes criteria for design and construction of Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratories (PMEL) on Air Force installations. Refer to TO 00-20-14 for operational procedures and operating environmental requirements.
PMEL and TMDE EPR Bullets
Certified 1,140 TMDE items; drove flt equip availability rate to 96%--beat AF 93% std. - Great technician!
Eglin Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory keeps …
2006年6月9日 · The PMEL program provides for the calibration and repair of test, measurement and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) and ensures measurement traceability of the TMDE through the Air Force Primary Standards Laboratory to the National Institute of …