TMTV - Film Restoration & Recovery, Video & Audio Conversion
We specialize in Recovery and scanning of almost ANY type of shrunk, warped, brittle or other damaged motion picture film. Converting your videos should only need to be done once… so have it done RIGHT the first time! Video Conversions, Repairs, Restoration to archival file formats.
Aug 15, 2024 · Serving Canada & the USA since 1980. With our specialized film lab crew, equipment and techniques, we can Rescue, Recover, Restore or Repair any type of physically damaged movie film. Let us Rescue your film; we can handle…
UPCONVERTING LASERDISC MOVIES TO HD IN MP4 – Using the Blackmagic-Design Teranex 2D & AV Processors is an advanced-quality standards converter as well as video format converter and capture and playback device all-in-one. As a standards converter, it can convert from most any television format to any other television format in the highest quality.
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Slide Scanning & Restoration, Photograph & Negative Scanning | TMTV
Complete digital & physical restoration, recovery & rescue for older or emulsion damaged, dirty, faded, dark, poor colour, exposure, water, fire damaged, bent, warped & scratched slides or raw slide scanning – your after disaster resource for slides or other media.
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Танин Мэдэхүй телевиз нь 2006 оны 4 сарын 01-нд анхны нэвтрүүлгээ бэлтгэж үзэгч олондоо хүргэснээс хойш байнгын үйл ажиллагаатай болж өдөр бүр 08:00 - 24:00 цагийн хооронд тогтмол эфир явуулсаар байна. Дэлгэрэнгүй...