Toxic Sludge - Terraria Wiki
The Toxic Sludge is a Hardmode slime enemy that appears in the Underground in place of ordinary slimes. It deals significantly increased damage and has a 50*1/2 (50%) chance of inflicting the Poisoned debuff, which it is also immune to.
Toxic Sludge - Official Terraria Wiki
The Toxic Sludge is a Hardmode enemy and a slime variant that spawns in the Underground layer in place of ordinary slimes. It deals significantly increased damage and has a 1/2 (50%) chance of inflicting the Poisoned debuff for 10 / 20 / 25 seconds, which it is also immune to.
毒泥 - 官方中文泰拉瑞亚维基百科(The Official Chinese Terraria …
(前代主机版) 毒泥是《泰拉瑞亚》中少数拥有可见微笑的敌怪之一,其他的是小丑、巴拉雪人、和雪人暴徒。 若不考虑腹足怪,它就是唯一可以看见脸的敌方史莱姆…
Toxic Sludge - The Noita Wiki
Toxic sludge is a very common, transparent lime-green liquid material hazard that can be found throughout Noita. Touching a sufficient amount of Toxic Sludge will stain you (or any other creature) with Toxic, which deals 2% of max HP in damage per second, unless current HP is at or below that amount.
Toxic Sludge - IdleOn MMO Wiki
Type: Barrel Increases Extra Bar chance by 20% for the Slot it's in. 60% chance to be consumed when a bar is forged.
Toxic Sludge - Terraria Wiki
The Toxic Sludge is a monster in the slime family that spawns only in Hard Mode worlds, usually Underground in the rocky dirt layer. They will attack the player on sight. The Toxic Sludge, Hoppin' Jack, and Pet Baby Slime are the only Slimes to have visible facial features in the game.
[不懂就问]终极炼金的那两个配方怎么看 - 百度贴吧
LC:Whiskey,cement,soil(60%) | AP:toxic sludge,invisiblium,fungus(18%) 翻译一下: LC:威士忌、水泥(游戏中可能为其他译名)、土壤(60%) AP:毒性淤泥、隐身药水、真菌(18%) 萌新主要不知道LC和AP哪个是点金哪个是活性 还有那个“60%”和“18%”是啥意思呀。
毒性淤泥 | Noita中文 Wiki | Fandom
Toxic sludge is a liquid Material that can be found through out the game. Touching a sufficient amount of it will stain the player (or any other creature), which deals 2% of max HP in damage per second, unless current HP is at or below that amount. Because it stops at =<2% HP, the player will never actually be killed directly from stain damage.
Toxic Sludge - Noita Wiki
Toxic sludge is a liquid Material that can be found through out the game. Touching a sufficient amount of it will stain the player (or any other creature), which deals 2% of max HP in damage per second, unless current HP is at or below that amount.
Sludge - Wikipedia
Sludge (possibly from Middle English slutch 'mud, mire', or some dialect related to slush) [1] is a semi-solid slurry that can be produced from a range of industrial processes, from water treatment, wastewater treatment or on-site sanitation systems.