Time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF MS) was developed in the late 1940’s, but until the 1990’s its popularity was limited. Recent improvements in TOF technology, including orthogonal acceleration, ion mirrors (reflectron), and high-speed electron-ics, …
2018年7月23日 · MCP(微通道板)是一种平面二维探测器,可以在真空条件中探测电子、离子、真空紫外线、X射线和伽玛射线,并能放大探测的信号。 重要的特点是快速达到低于纳秒的响应时间,对于飞行时间质谱(TOF-MS)来说是非常理想的探测器。 在质谱应用中,样品经过电离源生成离子,经过质量分析器后,不同荷质比(m/z,即电荷/分子量)的离子被区分开来并在真空中飞向MCP,最终被MCP所探测。 本文将就MCP的基本原理,重要参数和简单选型问题,进行解 …
Detection of large ions in time-of-flight mass spectrometry: …
In time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS), ion detection is typically accomplished by the generation and amplification of secondary electrons produced by ions colliding with a microchannel plate (MCP) detector. Here, the response of an MCP ...
Electrostatic-lenses position-sensitive TOF MCP detector for beam ...
2019年9月30日 · The TOF between two foci (PF4 and MF4) could be measured by the corresponding MCP detectors, where TOF = \(L/(\beta c)\), which can be used for velocity (\({\beta }\)) measurements with a correction via precise \(B{\rho }\) measurement by …
Coincidence time resolution of 50 ps FWHM using a pair of multi …
2024年5月1日 · One critical requirement for TOF-PET is achieving lower Coincidence Time Resolution (CTR). In this manuscript, we developed a kind of multi-anode micro channel plate photomultiplier tube (MCP-PMT) specifically designed for TOF-PET applications.
Development of a large-area timing and position-sensitive foil-MCP ...
2021年6月15日 · Abstract: To achieve high precision and accuracy for mass measurements of exotic nuclei by Time-of-flight (TOF) methods: high-resolution beam-line magnetic-rigidity time-of-flight (B$\rho$-TOF) and in-ring isochronous mass spectrometry (IMS), a large-area electrostatic detector which possesses high position resolution and good timing resolution ...
MCP(微通道板)F9890-31 | 滨松光子学株式会社 - Hamamatsu
适用于 tof-ms 探测器的高时间分辨率 mcp 组件。 * 高电压浮动操作(MCP-IN 电压时 +/-10kV)* 快速响应:450 ps 典型值 (半宽度)* 27 mm 直径的大有效面积 * 优异的 MCP 平整度:+/-10 um 典型值
质谱 TOF-MS | 滨松光子学 - Hamamatsu
tof-ms(飞行时间质谱)会在离子通过加速电场时将其分离,并根据每个离子的质荷比测量其飞行时间的差异。 由于必须以极高的精度发现飞行时间的微小差异,因此 TOF-MS 的探测器必须具有非常快的响应和非常低的时间抖动。
A 5 ps TOF-counter with an MCP–PMT - ScienceDirect
2006年5月10日 · With a time-of-flight (TOF) resolution of σ TOF < 10 ps, K / π separation of more than 4 σ could be attained up to p ≃ 4 GeV / c in the case of a flight path-length of L ∼ 1 m. This performance could provide an excellent and simple particle identification for medium-energy particles in experiments in, for instance, a B-factory.
Mass spectrometry TOF-MS | Hamamatsu Photonics
TOF-MS (Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry) measures the difference in the time-of-flight of ions that occurs according to the mass-to-charge ratio of each ion. Detector time response characteristics are particularly important in TOF-MS because detectors must accurately measure the tiny differences in time-of-flight or the time at which ions ...