Zao Onsen Travel Guide - What to do around Mount Zao - japan-guide.com
Mount Zao (蔵王山, Zaōsan) is a volcanic mountain range on the prefectural border between Yamagata and Miyagi Prefectures in the Tohoku Region. On the Yamagata side, the hot spring town of Zao Onsen offers some of the country's most acidic thermal waters.
Zao (Yamagata) | Travel Japan - Travel Japan - Japan National …
Straddling the border between Yamagata and Miyagi prefectures, Mount Zao is home to one of Tohoku’s best ski resorts. The picturesque surrounding area boasts rejuvenating hot springs, and delicious locally produced cheese.
Zao & Around | Miyagi | Tohoku | Destinations - Travel Japan
Zao is a nature lovers' paradise, sandwiched between Miyagi and Yamagata prefectures in Tohoku, the northeastern region of Japan's main island, Honshu. Attractions include “snow monsters,” a village of foxes, hiking and skiing in the mountains, or …
藏王及周边地区|目的地|【官方】日本国家旅游局 (JNTO)
从山形市或仙台搭乘 JR 列车就能轻松抵达藏王。 若从山形出发,公共交通工具是最好的选择,可搭乘巴士、火车与接驳车到达目的地。 若从仙台出发,可搭乘仙山线前往山形站,全程约为 75 分钟。 若从白石站或白石藏王站搭乘出租车,20 分钟就能到达 宫城藏王狐狸村。 公元 110 年,一位旅行的武士首次发现了藏王温泉的泉眼。 藏王温泉可让肌肤变得光滑细腻,因此被称为"美容温泉"。 几个世纪以来,来此泡汤的人发现尽管这座天然温泉散发着强烈的硫磺味,却有很多健康 …
Mount Zao, a volcano near Sendai - Japan Experience
2019年11月6日 · Mount Zao is a mountain nestled in the Tohoku region, between the prefectures of Miyagi and Yamagata. Located in the middle of a quasi-national park, it is known for its tourist complex around its onsen, its ski resorts, and its hiking trails.
Is Zao Onsen Worth Visiting? - japanstartshere.com
2025年2月11日 · Zao Onsen is a 365-day destination, with juh-yo or “snow monsters” in the winter, and hiking at Okama Crater in the summer. Early June is an especially underrated time to visit. This is because (at least at ground level, below Mt. Zao), Yamagata’s famous, sweet cherries will be ready for harvest.
Zao Onsen Travel Guide: Things to do in Zao Onsen, Yamagata
Zao Onsen (Zao hotspring) is one of the oldest hot springs in the northeastern part of the Tohoku region, in Yamagata Prefecture. It is claimed that this onsen was discovered some 1,900 years ago. Zao Onsen is known for its high acidity and it is said that a dip in its waters can heal skin conditions and gastrointestinal disorders.
Zao Onsen: Guide to Its Ski Resorts, Snow Monsters and Hot …
2024年11月18日 · Zao is located on the border of Yamagata and Miyagi prefectures in the Tohoku region. In recent years, it has gained popularity due to the snow monsters (juhyo) and Zao Fox Village being prominent tourist spots.
Zao - Travel in Japan
Zao is a mountainous area in Yamagata and Miyagi prefectures, known for its stunning scenery, hot springs, skiing, and hiking. Zao Onsen ski resort is famous for its "snow monsters." Visitors can also enjoy relaxing at onsen like Kaminoyama and Togatta, or exploring the Okama Crater and engaging in summer outdoor activities.
The Ultimate Zao Winter Travel Guide • Just One Cookbook
2024年2月15日 · Experience the magic of Zao in the winter with our ultimate guide. From must-see attractions to hidden gems, we’ve got you covered for the perfect winter getaway. Mount Zao, also known as Zaosan (蔵王山), is a cluster of volcanic mountains in the northern Tohoku region, lying on the border of Yamagata and Miyagi prefectures.