Toila - Wikipedia
Toila is a small borough (alevik) in Ida-Viru County, in northeastern Estonia. It is located about 10 km (6 mi) northeast of the town of Jõhvi, on the coast of Narva Bay (part of the Gulf of …
Oru Park in Toila - Visit Estonia
You can come and experience the exciting opportunity to travel in the historic Toila-Oru Park with virtual tour "VR Toila 1938" Oru Park and the grand palace in the beautiful valley of the River …
Oru Palace - Wikipedia
Oru Palace (Estonian: Oru loss, German: Orrenhof) was a palace in the northeastern part of Toila in the Viru valley of Jõhvi Parish in Ida-Viru County, Estonia. The palace was originally the …
Oru loss – Vikipeedia
Oru loss oli ehitis Virumaal Jõhvi kihelkonnas nüüdisajal Ida-Viru maakonnas Toila vallas. Pühajõe suudmes asunud loss oli algselt Peterburi suurkaupmehe G. G. Jelissejevi …
Oru Park (2025) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go ... - Tripadvisor
Oru park is located east of Toila Spa Hotel and many of the local population walk in the park, as well as tourists. In the western part of the park is the German War Cemetery from WW II. A …
Oru park Toilas - Puhka Eestis
Kaunis Pühajõe ürgorus Toilas asuva Oru pargi ja suurejoonelise lossi rajas Grigori Jelissejev - Venemaa 19. sajandi jõukamaid kaubandusmagnaate. 1935. a ostsid kolm eesti töösturit lossi …
Toila and Oru Park - Toila Spa Hotell
Today, you can walk in the well-marked and well-maintained park, look at various species of trees and shrubs, explore Hõbeallika (Silver Spring) Cave, as well as enjoy the sea view and the …
Oru park Toilas - Visit Narva
Today, you can walk in the well-marked and well-maintained park, look at various species of trees and shrubs, explore Hõbeallika (Silver Spring) Cave, as well as enjoy the sea view and the …
Ору-парк (Тойла)- виртуальная экскурсия | Oru-park (Toila)
Парк Tойла-Ору (карта) - живописное место в долине реки Пюхайыги в регионе Ида-Вирумаа в северо-восточной Эстонии, недалеко от поселка Тойла (карта), популярного …
Toila-Oru park – Vikipeedia
Toila-Oru park (ka Oru park) on park endisaegse Oru lossi ümber. Pargi kaitseks on tänapäeval moodustatud Oru pargi maastikukaitseala. Pargi suurus oli algul umbes 100 ha. Suur osa …
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