Belphegor - Wikipedia
Belphegor (or Baal Peor, Hebrew: בַּעַל-פְּעוֹר baʿal-pəʿōr – “ Lord of the Gap ”) is, in Christianity, a demon associated with one of the seven deadly sins. According to religious tradition, he helps people make discoveries. He seduces people by proposing incredible inventions that …
10 Toilet Demons And Deities From Around The World
2014年4月27日 · While most people look to haunted houses and graveyards to get their paranormal fix, there are numerous legends of gods, demons, and ghosts that lurk in the most private place of any building—the toilet. Yes, that’s right.
Toilet god - Wikipedia
A toilet god is a deity associated with latrines and toilets. Belief in toilet gods – a type of household deity – has been known from both modern and ancient cultures, ranging from Japan to ancient Rome. Such deities have been associated with health, well-being and fertility (because of the association between human waste and agriculture ...
Aka Manto - Wikipedia
In the 9th episode of the South Korean series Hotel Del Luna, a ghost is seen asking the hotel owner whether he preferred red or blue toilet paper. He makes a remark questioning how long she has been asking this question since he first heard of it during his childhood.
Belphegor - Megami Tensei Wiki
His role as a demon was to sow discord among men and seduce them to evil through the apportionment of wealth. Belphegor is a lieutenant from Hell, who had been dispatched to Earth on many missions by the devil. Some rabbis claim that he must be worshipped on a toilet, with offerings being the residue of ones' digestion.
Beware the Supernatural Bathroom Spirits, Toilet Deities, and Dung Demons
2016年6月18日 · In Christian mythology, the demon Belphegor is depicted as a horned bearded demon with sharp nails and a mouth that is always open, that sits on a toilet throne. Rabbis believed that this demon could only be invoked while sitting on …
Toilet Demon Physiology | Superpower Wiki | Fandom
The user gains the traits of a toilet demon, a malevolent spirit from numerous world cultures that were believed to exclusively haunt bathrooms, often bringing misfortune and death to any they came across - they are the direct opposite of a toilet deity in that they bring forth disease and other small-scale calamities, it may fall to a toilet ...
Demons in Your Toilet? Guardians of the Sewers and How They …
2017年6月26日 · Baths and latrines are found throughout history. During the third millennium BCE, when toilets and sewers were invented throughout the world, so came the demons that were said to lurk in the toilets. But these facilities also had deities guarding them. Toilet demon Belphegor (Public Domain)
FLUSH LLC | Toilet Mythology
Toilets have had gods and demons coined for them for thousands of years. Learn about a few of these mythological figures through our pictureboard.
Aka Manto Physiology | Superpower Wiki | Fandom
Users of this ability can either mimic the traits of an Aka Manto or are one, an Aka Manto is a particularly powerful and malevolent toilet-demon from Japanese folklore and urban legends who acts like a bogeyman, with innumerable stories told across many regions and as such the Aka Manto are said to come in myriad forms and possess any power ...