Biography - Asle Toje
Asle Toje (b. 1974) is the Deputy Leader of the Norwegian Nobel Committee which is responsible for the Nobel Peace Prize. He is a scholar and an author who has lived and worked in Germany, France, Belgium, England, and the United States. He was educated at the Universities of Oslo and Tromsø and received his PhD from Cambridge University.
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Asle Toje - Wikipedia
Asle Toje (born February 16, 1974) is the Deputy Leader of the Norwegian Nobel Committee (2018-2029). [1] He is a foreign policy scholar and was Research Director at the Norwegian Nobel Institute from 2009 until he joined the Nobel Peace Prize Committee. [2]
Toje - YouTube
Toje makes Afro-fusion music by combining several music pallets into delectable sonic masterpieces. Currently an indie artiste, toje aims to use his music to exploit the fine lines between...
Asle Toje
2018年11月21日 · Asle Toje is a Norwegian Foreign Policy Scholar and Columnist. He is a member of the prestigious five-member Norwegian Nobel Committee and he recently edited the book Will China's rise be peaceful? The rise of a great power in …
The Nobel Peace Prize: Past, Present, and Future | Asle Toje
2021年6月14日 · The Nobel Peace Prize is the most prestigious award of its kind in the world, and Asle Toje, a member of the committee that decides who the winners are, gave an IPI audience on September 17th an informative and entertaining glimpse into its history since it …
Kort om Asle Toje - kontrast.dk
2024年9月16日 · Asle Toje (f. 1974) er næstformand i den norske Nobelkomité, som uddeler Nobels fredspris. Han er en anerkendt forsker og forfatter med en international karriere, der har bragt ham til Tyskland, Frankrig, Belgien, England og USA.
Toje | Normandy for Peace
Dr. Asle Toje (b. 1974) is the Deputy Leader of the five-member Norwegian Nobel Committee which selects laureates for the Nobel Peace Prize. He is the former Research Director at the Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo.
Asle Toje (f. 1974) vokste opp i Drøbak, etter endt skolegang kjøpte han seg en motorsykkel i India og innså at han ikke ville bli lege som sin far. I stedet studerte han statsvitenskap. Studiene tok ham til England, USA og Nobelinstituttet. Ved Universitetet i Oslo traff han sin kone, Anne Kristine, de bor i Oslo sammen med sine tre barn.
toje is in-game now - Fandom
2025年2月24日 · It looks... strange that there's 2 terrifyings but only 1 extreme. Wonder if ToJE will have a winroom or no? Anyways, for some reason still waiting for the moment there's a …
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