Tol-pal内膜系统 - 百度百科
Tol-pal内膜系统 是革兰氏阴性细菌内膜蛋白质系统之一。 系统中Tol 蛋白质 的命名与对 大肠杆菌素 (colicin)的抗性有关(Tol=tolerent)。 Tol-pal 由5个蛋白质组成 TolQ …
Roles of the Tol/Pal System in Bacterial Pathogenesis and Its ...
2022年3月10日 · The Tol/Pal system (also written as "The Tol-Pal system") is a set of protein complexes produced by most Gram-negative bacteria. It comprises the inner membrane …
Primary role of the Tol-Pal complex in bacterial outer ... - Nature
2025年3月7日 · We demonstrate that this peripherally-localized Tol-Pal complex is fully capable of maintaining lipid balance in the OM, thus restoring OM integrity and barrier. Our work …
The Tol Pal system integrates maintenance of the three layered …
2024年12月5日 · Gram-negative bacteria are the primary culprits due to their robust, tripartite cell envelope. This review explores the emerging role of the trans-envelope Tol-Pal system in …
The multifarious roles of Tol-Pal in Gram-negative bacteria
2020年7月1日 · Here, we review work that begins to shed light on Tol-Pal function in Gram-negative bacteria. What emerges from these studies is that Tol-Pal is an energised system …
Roles of the Tol-Pal system in the Type III secretion system and ...
2020年9月23日 · In this study we focused on characterizing roles of the Tol-Pal system in pathogenesis of EHEC, an enteropathogenic E. coli strain that cause infectious diseases at …
The role of TolA, TolB, and TolR in cell morphology, OMVs …
The Tol–Pal system of Gram-negative bacteria is necessary for maintaining outer membrane integrity. It is a multiprotein complex of five envelope proteins, TolQ, TolR, TolA, TolB, and Pal. …
The multifarious roles of Tol-Pal in Gram-negative bacteria
2020年5月30日 · tol-pal mutations activate two main cell envelope stress response pathways, Rcs and σ E. The Rcs pathway senses lateral interactions between LPS molecules (Konovalova, …
The Tol-Pal System Plays an Important Role in Maintaining Cell ...
2022年5月3日 · The Tol-Pal system is a transenvelope complex widely conserved among Gram-negative bacteria. It is recruited to the septal ring during cytokinesis, and its i...
Roles of the Tol/Pal System in Bacterial Pathogenesis and Its ...
2022年3月10日 · The Tol/Pal system (also written as “The Tol-Pal system”) is a set of protein complexes produced by most Gram-negative bacteria. It comprises the inner membrane …