Tonbo® Reagents | Cytek Biosciences
Quality And Performance Equivalent To Top Alternatives, At An Exceptional Value
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Founded in 2011 by a team of immunologists, researchers and industry leaders, Tonbo Biosciences was conceived of a simple principle: giving back to the research community by providing high performance, value oriented products of the highest quality.
品牌分类 - 北京博尔迈生物技术有限公司
Tonbo Biosciences可以提供一系列荧光偶联抗体和功能型抗体、活性染料、辅助试剂、重组蛋白、ELISA配对抗体及分子生物学试剂。 此外,Tonbo还可以提供快捷、灵活、高品质的试剂定制服务。 ※Tonbo流式抗体明星产品 更多产品查询请登录Tonbo官网检索: https://www ...
Tonbo Biosciences品牌代理商 | Amresco官网
Founded in 2011 by a team of immunologists, researchers and industry leaders, Tonbo Biosciences was conceived of a simple principle: giving back to the research community by providing high performance, value oriented products of the highest quality.
Tonbo™是新一代光谱流式Cytek®公司旗下流式试剂品牌,创始员工很多在国际知名公司流式试剂领域(BD、Thermofisher、eBioscience等)从业多年。 经过多年的积累和创新,Tonbo™ 公司为用户带来了一系列杰出的新荧光和新技术产品。 “为流式领域的应用者带来革命性的新体验”是Tonbo Biosciences公司的坚定信念。 提供供应上海卧宏细胞培养耗材,WHB培养耗材,WHB产品,还有TFF系统,自动化切向流系统,自动化TFF系统,还有阿拉丁的抗体等。
流式抗体 - mbl-chinawide.cn
Tonbo Biosciences_苏州四正柏生物科技有限公司
经过多年的积累和创新研发, Tonbo Biosciences公司的流式抗体完美呈现经典克隆既有的优势,通过有效的验证和文献应用,性价比最高。 所有流式抗体均可提供小包装、大包装以及为客户定制制定的荧光标记和大包装。
Tonbo Biosciences_安诺伦(北京)生物科技有限公司
Tonbo Biosciences 我们将为您提供符合最高质量和性能标准的试剂。 Founded in 2011 by a team of immunologists, researchers and industry leaders, Tonbo Biosciences was conceived of a simple principle: giving back to the research community by providing high performance, value oriented products of the highest quality.
Ghost Dye™ Violet 450 - Tonbo Biosciences | Cytek Biosciences
Ghost Dye ™ Violet 450 is an amine reactive viability dye that can be used to discriminate viable from non-viable mammalian cells in flow cytometry applications. This dye irreversibly binds free amines available on the cell surface as well as intracellular free amines exposed in cells with compromised cell membranes.
优质流式品牌——TONBO Biosciences - 莱兹生物科技有限公司 …
TONBO Biosciences公司提供高品质和高质量的流式抗体和试剂,并在多参数流式实验中验证了一致的性能。 抗体生产流程包括荧光团和蛋白比(F:P)的优化,细致的质量控制测试,严格的最终标准发布,生产值得您信任的持续高效试剂。