ToneLib | In search of perfect guitar tone
Precision-modeled guitar tone with a complete guitar studio. Improve. Create. Entertain... With Jam! Perfect custom tone with a complete guitar studio. Top-Notch Compressor for Advanced Audio Processing. From razor-sharp shreds to crushing chugs, in …
Downloads - ToneLib
Free Trial versions of ToneLib Products | Freeware plugins | Available on Windows, MacOS and Linux
ToneLib GFX | Amp simulation software with ultimate practice tools
With ToneLib GFX you get: 22 amplifiers based on the most renowned real-world equivalents; Over 60 models of guitar gear: from overdrive and dynamics control pedals to rack modulation effects; Over 40 pre-made presets suitable for all genres, allowing you to start playing right away;
福利:ToneLib 送出免费的噪声门插件 TL NoiseReducer v2.0 升级
ToneLib 发布 TL NoiseReducer 2.0 升级,具有经过彻底重新设计的用户界面,增加了全新的紧凑视图模式,优化 CPU 使用率,并提高插件的整体稳定性等。 全新的紧凑视图模式使处理更加便捷,尤其是当用户不需要监控特定频率和使用信号图示进行调整时。
福利:ToneLib 送出免费的多用途降噪插件 NoiseReducer
2022年12月16日 · NoiseReducer 是一款强大、易用的多用途专业降噪插件,能够轻松消除混音中所有不需要的噪音,完美应对用户针对各种特定任务执行的降噪处理。 NoiseReducer 具有两个降噪模块,左边黑色部分的 Studio 模块在调解时具有很高的自由度。 可应用于吉他轨道、人声等任何声源。 该模块具有自动和手动两种模式。 自动模式会将整个效果设置应用于“阈值”滑块之上。 手动模式可通过 4 个旋钮对深度、起音、保持和衰减进行控制。 右边 EasyGate 模块的设计 …
Interface for easy control of Zoom processors - ToneLib
Tonelib Zoom is an easy-to-use application which allows you to see, change and save all the settings in your Zoom (r) guitar pedal through your computer. You can also create complete back-ups of all the tones in your device and go back to them whenever you like. You can even share your patches with others or use a cool patch someone else created.
ToneLib 发布 TL MultiComp 多段压缩器_处理_控制_显示模式
2024年7月8日 · TL MultiComp 是一个高质量的压缩器插件,提供了最先进的音频处理技术和方法。 无论你需要什么样的压缩工具,TL MultiComp 都能满足你的需求。 它具备中/侧(Mid/Side)、并行(Parallel)和立体声压缩(Stereo compression)、带有多频段 EQ 过滤的侧链(Side Chaining)、高级弯曲控制(Knee controls)等众多功能,这个终极压缩器插件可以处理几乎任何任务,无论是母带处理还是混音。 结合了两个压缩单元,它既能基于自动算法和单个控制旋 …
免费好降噪 Tonelib TL NoiseReducer - 效果器 / 插件 音频应用
2025年2月23日 · Powerful, yet simple, this plugin modulates a Two-Unit Noise Reduction rack effect, which is capable to easily remove all the unwanted noises from your mix. Designed to be straightforward and easy to use, TL NoiseReducer adapts perfectly to practicaly every specific task you aimed on.
TL EasyComp by Tonelib - Compressor Plugin VST VST3 Audio Unit
TL EasyComp by Tonelib is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin for macOS, Windows and Linux. It functions as a VST Plugin, an Audio Units Plugin and a VST 3 Plugin.
ToneLib BassDrive by Tonelib - Guitar Effect Plugin VST VST3 …
ToneLib BassDrive by Tonelib is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin and a Software Application for macOS, Windows and Linux. It functions as a VST Plugin, an Audio Units Plugin, a VST 3 Plugin and a Standalone Application.