B688 Datasheet (PDF) - Mospec Semiconductor
Description: POWER TRANSISTORS (8A,120V,80W). Manufacturer: Mospec Semiconductor.
2SB688 EVVO | Discrete Semiconductor Products | DigiKey
Order today, ships today. 2SB688 – Bipolar (BJT) Transistor PNP 120 V 8 A 10MHz 80 W Through Hole TO-3PS from EVVO. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
R 版本:201602A 1/5 PNP硅外延晶体管 PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor 2SB688 NPN三重扩散晶体管 SERIES 订 货 型 号 Order codes 印 记 Marking 无卤素
B688 统懋-Mospec_PDF_数据手册_Datasheet_规格书_统懋 …
替代型号 Hot! 半导小芯为您提供 B688 统懋-Mospec 的资料查询:统懋-Mospec数据手册查询,统懋-Mospec规格书查询,统懋-Mospec datasheet查询,统懋-Mospec IC查询、半导体查询、统懋-Mospec芯片查询、统懋-Mospec替代型号查询、统懋-Mospec产品、统懋-Mospec应用等相关信息,帮您快速找到B688的数据手册、规格书、datasheet、替代型号、联系方式、技术参数、选型文档、技术文档、丝印Making等芯片资料。
B688 PDF Datasheet – 120V, 8A, PNP Transistor – 2SB688
2023年4月19日 · B688 is – 120V, – 8A, Silicon PNP Power Transistor. PNP transistors comprise the following key components: PNP transistors control the flow of a large current (collector current) between the emitter and collector using a small current applied to …
Transistor B688 2SB688 - dientutuonglai.com
2SB688 hay B688 là một transistor PNP silicon phẳng có khả năng chịu dòng cao, tiêu tán công suất cao được sử dụng cho bộ khuếch đại nguồn âm thanh, bộ chuyển đổi DC thành DC.
B688 Transistor Datasheet | Specifications and Technical Details
Indispensable and unassuming, the B688 transistor serves as a vital link between the realms of analog and digital, conveying electrical signals and amplifying them with utmost precision. Its small dimensions belie the impressive capabilities that lie within, as this tiny titan possesses the power to control the flow of currents with finesse and ...
ASTM B688 - 96(R2014) - 道客巴巴
2016年7月2日 · 内容提示: Designation: B688 − 96 (Reapproved 2014)Standard Specif i cation forChromium-Nickel-Molybdenum-Iron (UNS N08366 and UNSN08367) Plate, Sheet, and Strip 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation B688; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in …
B688 Datasheet PDF - PNP Transistor ( 2SB688 )
2023年6月8日 · Function: -120V, -8A, Silicon PNP Power Transistor. Package: TO-3P Type. Manufacturer: SavantIC Semiconductor. Images: This is -120V, -8A, PNP Transistor. B688 transistor is one of the semiconductor components used in electrical engineering and electronic circuit design, belonging to the Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) family.
PDF B688 Components - DataSheetMeta
B688 transistor is one of the semiconductor components used in electrical engineering and electronic circuit design, belonging to the Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) family. The PNP transistor consists of three layers of semiconductor material: P-type, N-type, and P-type, each with different charges.
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