Takashi Toono | Yarichin Bitch Club Wikia | Fandom
Takashi Toono 「遠野 高志, Tōno Takashi」is one of the main protagonists of Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club. He is a first-year student at Morimori Academy, and a member of the Photography Club, or most commonly known as the Yarichin Bitch Club (ヤリチンビッチ部, Yarichinbitchi-bu). Toono is a teenage boy of average height, and a slender frame.
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2023年12月11日 · First year Toono transfers from Tokyo to the all-boys boarding school deep in the mountains, "Mori Moori Private School." The friendly Yaguchi who calls out to him becomes his only friend, but his dislike of sports makes him join the most laid-back looking photography club instead of Yaguchi's soccer club.
Characters | Yarichin Bitch Club Wikia | Fandom
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First year Toono transfers from Tokyo to the all-boys boarding school deep in the mountains, "Mori Moori Private School." The friendly Yaguchi who calls out to him becomes his only friend, but his dislike of sports makes him join the most laid-back looking photography club instead of Yaguchi's soccer club.
Yarichin Bitch Club: All Episodes - Trakt
2018年9月20日 · First-year Toono transfers from Tokyo to the all-boys boarding school deep in the mountains, "Mori Moori Private School." The friendly Yaguchi who calls out to him becomes his only friend, but his dislike of sports makes him join the most laid-back looking photography club instead of Yaguchi's soccer club.
Takashi Toono | Sans Nagito Wiki | Fandom
Takashi Toono (遠 野 高志Tōno Takashi ) is the main protagonist of Yarichin Bitch Club and member of the homonymous club. Probably bisexual. Exchange student. His parents are unknown as we have never heard of their names. initially comes off as shy and reserved, as he is the new transfer kid and has trouble interacting with other people.
Toono will end up with... : r/YarichinBitchClub - Reddit
2024年3月24日 · Who do you think Toono will end up with?Closed • 10 total votes
Why is it that some people aren't okay with Yarchin B Club ... - Reddit
2021年5月11日 · Though I do suppose that it's different in terms of actually making the content, of a 13-year-old doing the deed. A 13-year-old is still technically a child in Japan, and the characters in YBC are about 15-16 years old given most (if not all) are in their 1st/2nd year, which is 10th or 11th grade in most other places (I assume).
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