  1. Overview

    "Schism" is known as a prime example of Tool's use of complex rhythms and changing meters. It is also well known for its distinctive bass line throughout. An extended version of the song is performed live. "Schism" w… 展开

    Music Video

    The music video for "Schism" was created with stop-motion animation techniques featuring live actors and was directed by the band's guitarist Adam Jones. The music video revolves around two humanoids, one male and one fe… 展开

    Time signature

    "Schism" is renowned for its use of uncommon time signatures and the frequency of its meter changes. In one analysis of the song, the song alters meter 47 times. The song begins with two bars of 4, followed by on… 展开

    Credits and personnel

    Danny Carey – drums
    Justin Chancellor – bass
    Adam Jones – guitar
    Maynard James Keenan – vocals… 展开