DSD App: the blueprint of your smile transformations - Digital …
Transform first appointments with the DSD App by showing patients realistic, achievable smile simulations, guided by precise parameters. Simplify decision-making and set clear expectations right from the start.
什么是口腔美学-DSD(Digital Smile Design)数字笑容? - 知乎
DSD是一套完整的牙科体系,拥有自己的App系统及专业团队,协助医生学习并掌握最先进的口腔技术。 其主要通过数字化诊疗系统,运用美学知识理念和美学设计标准进行牙体美容设计,包括矫正、种植、贴面、修复等在内的目前口腔科主流治疗方式。 从患者面部总体分析到牙科美容分析,结合患者的口腔中线、微笑曲线、牙齿比例、牙龈缘高度,由专业的3D美学设计师进行设计,专业医生团队审核,所有产品均由符合欧洲标准的 DSD认证工厂 加工生产。 DSD起源: …
AI Digital Smile Design | Advanced DSD App
Select real-time natural teeth shapes; Strengthen the diagnostic view; Enhance Facial/Dental Smile Analysis; 3D Design and Export printable mockups in simple steps
Store - Digital Smile Design
Manufacture stents to deliver your direct restorations using the DSD Direct Pressed Technique. Manufactured guides for surgically-guided planning for implant and immediate-loading temporary prosthesis placement.
What Is Digital Smile Design? - NewMouth
2024年3月7日 · Digital Smile Design is an innovative technology that helps you visualize what your teeth can look like after dental treatment. The process focuses on involving people in their own dental care to achieve their aesthetic and functional treatment goals. DSD treatments can cost anywhere between $1,000 and $50,000.
The Digital Smile Design (DSD) is a multi-use con-ceptual tool that can strengthen diagnostic vision, improve communication, and enhance predictabil-ity throughout treatment. The DSD allows for careful analysis of the patient’s facial and dental characteris-tics along with any critical factors that may have been
數位微笑設計DSD - 張智洋醫師 全方位植牙美學權威
數位微笑設計DSD 是以電腦數位方式來模擬設計 「訂製你的微笑」,有別於以往傳統牙科美容/牙齒美白療程,擁有著許多無法比擬的優勢。 DSD 微笑設計的優點在於: DSD 微笑設計可以讓您更好地掌握 陶瓷貼片 / 全瓷冠 治療後的結果。 如果您的治療方案涉及了牙齒長度/形狀/大小或牙齦高低比例的修正,有 DSD 微笑設計提前在術前模擬展示結果,也讓您更加放心。 人的臉是個三次元的複雜構造,並不像平面模特兒,只做簡單的動作,我們要考慮的是3次元的整體面。 臉型: …
Digital Smile Design - PMC
Digital Smile Design (DSD) is a modern versatile innovative dental treatment planning tool invented by the Brazilian dentist Christian Coachman in 2007 that permits the professional in digitally design the smile of the patient from a series of pre- and post-DSD photographs.
Integrating digital smile design into restorative Dentistry: A ...
2024年4月1日 · Using DSD, dentists can digitally plan and fabricate restorations that closely match the patient’s natural teeth in terms of color, shape, and size. This ensures a seamless integration of restorations, resulting in a natural-looking smile.
Digital Smile Design (DSD): Definition, How it Works, Advantages, …
2023年10月8日 · Dentists use DSD to examine tooth shape, size, position, alignment, and colour to develop a personalised smile design that enhances the patient's facial appearance. DSD's digital tools and virtual mock-ups enable precise alterations and fine-tuning of the smile design to achieve the best aesthetic outcomes.