国内到底有多少个「自称」top 3 的大学?都是哪些? - 知乎
2022年9月26日 · 内蒙古大学是清华北大之后唯一能配得上top3的学校。 南京大学虽然文科很强,但是南京大学和北京大学只差一个字,同一组合里面都不会有那种风格太相似的两个人,所 …
中国 Top 3 大学是哪些? - 知乎
第一梯队中(1~5),清北复交浙稳居前五,但具体顺位上可能会颠覆大部分人的认识:浙大排第三,而复旦落到了第五,它(复旦)在2022-2023US.NEWS全球最佳大学排名中甚至跌出了 …
U.GG Top Lane Tier List - Patch 15.6 Best Top Champions in …
The only Top Lane Tier list you need for the newest patch. Always up-to-date, U.GG takes a data science approach to the best top champions for Patch 15.6.
sentence construction - "A top three" or "one of top three"?
The meaning of "a top three partner" is indeed "one of the top three partners". But the second way is longer, and the trend in the English language is to use as few words as possible, conveying the same meaning. "Top third" is definitely not usable. It might mean that, if you have 90 partners, India will be in the top 30 (= 90 / 3).
LoL Top Lane Tier List, 25.06, Best Champions - METAsrc
Our statistical LoL Top Lane Tier List is updated hourly with the best champions to play in LoL. Our proprietary algorithm uses data such as win rate, ban rate, pick rate, and KDA to calculate the best and worst picks for League of Legends Top Lane champions.
TROP2--肿瘤治疗的新靶点 - 知乎
TROP2 全称为人滋养细胞表面糖蛋白抗原2,是由染色体1P32区域的 Tacstd2基因 编码表达的细胞表面糖蛋白,与上皮黏附分子 Epcam 有较高的结构序列相似性,同源性达49%。 TROP2属于跨膜蛋白,N-端为胞外域(Trop2EC),该胞外域通过一个单向跨膜螺旋(TM)与由26氨基酸残基构成的疏水性多肽的胞内短尾(Trop2IC)连接,从而固定于胞膜 。 Trop-2结构(Oncotarget, 2018, Vol. 9, (No. 48), pp: 28989-29006.) TROP2是与肿瘤密切相关的基因。 它主要通过调节 钙离 …
What do you refer to when you say Top 1 / 2 / 3 ? : r ... - Reddit
2022年2月14日 · "He finished in/among the top three" means the person came in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. "He finished third" or "He finished in third place" means he came in exactly third. This means that the phrase "top one" (unlike "top two", "top three", etc.) is grammatically unsound. If you are among the "top one" winners, you are the first-place winner.
Top Troops Wiki | Fandom
The Top Troops Wiki is an expanding, comprehensive database focusing on Top Troops, the Mobile Fantasy RPG strategy game developed by Social Point a subsidiary of Zynga. It is dedicated to collecting all information about the game including mechanics, rewards, units, and other information!
Top 3! Games
Top 3!® is the competitive trivia game that tests your music knowledge. To win, match the three song titles on the card to the performing artist. BUY NOW!
Air Jordan 1 Retro 'Top 3 Pick' - Nike
Black and red, black and royal, all the OGs are forever appreciated by collectors and connoisseurs worldwide. Celebrating the colors that started it all, the latest Air Jordan I takes …