选择blast比对第一条best hit的结果 - 简书
2021年4月13日 · blast的结果中每条contig都会有很多hit,最好不用max_target_hit这个参数,因为它输出的是数据库中top的序列而不一定是比对最好的序列,即使所有版本都包含相同的最佳匹配结果,但是BLAST却返回不同的结果。
Hit - Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom
Hit, the top assassin of Universe 6, is a key antagonist in the Universe 6 Saga, participating in the Tournament of Destroyers against Team Universe 7. His significant adversary from Team Universe 7 is Vegeta, whom he battles in a notable match. Vados selects Hit for Team Universe 6, with the promise of Champa's cube if victorious.
Blastn to return only top hit - SEQanswers
2013年2月22日 · Could anyone help me with blastn to ensure that only the top hit is returned, and that this hit contains the full source name? I'm currently using the following command... $ blastn -db trop -query blast.fa -outfmt 7 -max_target_seqs 1 -out results.out
Elasticsearch使用:top_hits aggregation - 腾讯云
2021年1月18日 · top_hits 聚合器可以有效地用于通过存储桶聚合器按某些字段对结果集进行分组。 一个或多个存储桶聚合器确定将结果集切成哪些属性。 选项: from -要获取的第一个结果的偏移量。 size -每个存储桶要返回的最匹配匹配项的最大数目。 默认情况下,返回前三个 ...
Top hits aggregation | Elasticsearch Guide [8.17] | Elastic
A top_hits metric aggregator keeps track of the most relevant document being aggregated. This aggregator is intended to be used as a sub aggregator, so that the top matching documents can be aggregated per bucket.
2024年4月22日 · 本文介绍了HIT-Database,一个高性能、开源的分布式数据库,支持键值对存储,提供多种一致性模型和高效索引,适用于高速缓存、日志分析、实时计数和IoT数据存储。
ES中使用 Top Hits 查询分桶聚合结果的每个桶的详细数据-CSDN …
2023年6月2日 · Top hits(顶部命中)是一个聚合功能,用于在查询结果中返回每个桶(bucket)中的顶部 N 个文档。 这对于需要在聚合结果中查看每个桶中的最相关或最高评分文档的情况非常有用。
Hit/HServer/server/db/hit.db at master · craftsmanBai/Hit - GitHub
Linux在线内存取证平台(Live Memory Forensic Tools Based on Linux for Rapid Response) - craftsmanBai/Hit
DBFZ - Hit Overview - Dustloop Wiki
2024年10月29日 · Hit is a unique assassin who uses a variety of stances to penetrate defenses. Deadly Range: 5LL, 5M, 5H, and all stance follow-ups have deceptively long reach and are resistant to Reflect. Command Movement: Deadly Intent and Mark of an Assassin give him unparalleled ground maneuverability and make any normal safe on block.
Hit (Hit) - Dragon Ball Verse - Superhero Database
Hit is selected by Vados to be part of Team Universe 6 in order to fight in the Tournament of Destroyers against Team Universe 7. In return for joining the team, Hit is promised Champa's Hexahedron if he wins the tournament. On the day of the tournament, Hit attends the Nameless Planet with his fellow fighters: Cabba, Frost, Botamo, and Auta ...