GT SERIES - Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc.
The GT Series of robotic total stations are a trimmed down, high-performance solution that's ready to impress, today, yet still grow with you tomorrow. You get the efficiency of a single-operator robotic system, the power of long range reflectorless measurements, and the ability to perform as a hybrid positioning solution.
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Topcon GT-1500/700
Built for jobsite mobility, the flagship GT series robotic total station enables accurate and productive workflows for highly demanding survey and construction applications.
Tackle any job with confidence ways straightforward. When accuracy matters, the GT-1500/700 robotic total station delivers precise data collection and layout, helping you stay on budget and ut of critical items. Its intelligent Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor ensures smooth, silent operation with less wear and tear – extending the in
GT-1200/600 - Always on point | Topcon Positioning
The flagship GT Series ultrasonic robotic total station delivers accurate and productive workflows for highly demanding survey and construction applications. Lay out or survey more points precisely and in less time, while improving quality and consistency.
GT-1000/500 - Better, faster, smaller | Topcon Positioning
You get the efficiency of a single-operator robotic system, the power of long range reflectorless measurements, and the ability to perform as a hybrid positioning solution. All in a compact system that’s a third smaller and twice as fast. UltraSonic technology is the driving force for the GT Series. You can see and hear the difference ...
GT SERIES | Topcon Positioning
The flagship GT Series ultrasonic robotic total station delivers accurate and productive workflows for highly demanding survey and construction applications. Lay out or survey more points precisely and in less time, while improving quality and consistency.
GT-1200/600 series "Geodetic Total Station" | TOPCON …
New motor control technologies for auto-tracking! Robotic total station can quickly increase or decrease the motor’s speed. High speed rotation is a USM feature which reduces the rotation time to turn the units to the designated angle, face 1 / face 2 rotation.
TOPCON GT系列 放樣機器人 - 全站儀 - 產品介紹 - 金朝陽企業有 …
♥超音波驅動馬達系統,高速180° / 秒轉動. ♥比起傳統馬達更快 聲音更小. ♥重新設計的超輕薄機身. ♥5.7公斤最輕量的機械人全測站. ♥GT的體積與重量比起以往的機械人全測站少三分之一,更便於攜帶和架設. ♥ 堅固的機身設計,通過衝擊、震動、高溫、溼度等測試,即使在惡劣的環境下仍能提供一致的性能. ♥IP65級防塵防水. ♥ GT系列含通訊模組,能直接上網連結MAGNET Enterprise,立即上傳資料至雲端分享,工作效率更佳. ♥TOPCON 自動追蹤技術,特別加強稜鏡追蹤度,確 …
Topcon announces the new GT Series as -the world’s fastest, …
2016年6月30日 · Topcon Corporation (TOKYO: 7732) announces the release of the GT series robotic total station, offering world’s fastest turning speed, smallest size, and lightest weight. The GT series provides incredible efficiency in surveying and stake out operation with 3D data at construction site.
GT-1200/600シリーズ "Geodetic Total Station" | トプコン ポジ …
ロボティックトータルステーションGT では、急激な加減速ができることや、高速回転できる超音波モーター(USM)の特性を利用して、指定角回転や正反回転時、回転時間を短縮しています。