Tor missile system - Wikipedia
The Tor (Russian: Тор; English: torus [2]) is an all-weather, low-to medium-altitude, short-range surface-to-air missile system designed for destroying airplanes, helicopters, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and short-range ballistic threats (anti-munitions).
道尔防空导弹 - 百度百科
道尔防空导弹(俄文:Тор Зенитный ракетный,英文:Tor Anti-aircraft missiles / Surface-to-air missile;北约代号:SA-15 "Gauntlet",中文:萨姆-15“臂铠”;基本型GRAU代号:9M330 Тор,中文:9M330 道尔;道尔在俄语意为北欧神话中掌管战争与农业的神)是俄罗斯阿 ...
Tor (SA-15 Gauntlet) - Missile Threat
2021年11月1日 · A successor the 9K33 Osa (SA-8 Gecko), Tor was designed to defend point targets and armored divisions against aircraft, helicopters, and precision-guided munitions. Development of the Tor system began during the 1980s, reaching an initial operational capability in 1986. The first production-series Tor variant, the Tor-M, entered service in 1991. 1
Tor missile system | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Tor missile system (Russian: "Тор"; English: torus[1]) is an all-weather low to medium altitude, short-range surface-to-air missile system designed for engaging airplanes, helicopters, cruise missiles, precision guided munitions, unmanned aerial …
SA-15 TOR-M1 9A331 SA-15 Gauntlet - Army Recognition
2024年12月22日 · The TOR-M1 9A331-1, NATO code designation SA-15 Gauntlet) is a mobile, integrated surface-to-air defense missile system designed and manufactured by the Russian Defence Industry.
Tor browser 在线匿名 | 保护自己免受追踪和监视,突破网络审查。
Tor(暗网)简介和教程 - 暗网下
2024年2月17日 · Tor 是实现匿名通信的自由软件,由美国非盈利组织The Tor Project, Inc开发与维护。 其名源于“The Onion Router”(洋葱路由)的英语缩写。 用户可透过Tor接达由全球志愿者免费提供,包含7500多个中继的覆盖网络,从而达至隐藏用户真实地址、避免网络监控及流量分析的目的。 Tor用户的互联网活动(包括浏览在线网站、帖子以及即时消息等通信形式)相对较难追踪。 Tor的设计原意在于保障用户的个人隐私,以及不受监控地进行秘密通信的自由和能力。 …
Tor-M1 | War Thunder Wiki
The Tor-M1 (GRAU: 9K331; NATO: SA-15 Gauntlet; commonly known in Chinese as 道尔-M1), or more precisely, the 9A331 launcher vehicle, was bought from Russia in the late 1990s by PLAGF and PLAAF air-defence units to fulfil the demand for a field air-defence system. It was later reverse-engineered and improved under the name HQ-17 (红旗-17).
PNAS:凌琳教授揭示埃及伊蚊中TOR和GATA因子调控氨基酸依赖 …
2023年9月5日 · 本研究发现雌性埃及伊蚊中AA-TOR 信号通路能够差异性调控8个ILPs基因的表达,通过外源氨基酸(AA)输注,发现低水平AA条件下,ilps 4、6和7显著下调表达,高水平AA下ilps 1、2、3、5和8显著上调表达。 进一步通过TOR RNAi证明ILPs差异表达受到TOR信号通路的调控。 这表明TOR介导了氨基酸信号传导。...
Nutritional control of insect reproduction - ScienceDirect
2015年10月1日 · Insulin and TOR signaling pathways regulate JH and ecdysone biosynthesis. The amino acid–Target of Rapamycin (AA/TOR) and insulin pathways play a pivotal role in reproduction of female insects, serving as regulatory checkpoints that guarantee the sufficiency of nutrients for developing eggs.