TöRF: Time-of-Flight Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scene
2021年11月9日 · We replace these priors with measurements from a time-of-flight (ToF) camera, and introduce a neural representation based on an image formation model for continuous-wave ToF cameras.
TöRF: Time-of-Flight Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scene View Synthesis
We replace these priors with measurements from a time-of-flight (ToF) camera, and introduce a neural representation based on an image formation model for continuous-wave ToF cameras.
Papers with Code - TöRF: Time-of-Flight Radiance Fields for Dynamic ...
We show that this approach improves robustness of dynamic scene reconstruction to erroneous calibration and large motions, and discuss the benefits and limitations of integrating RGB+ToF sensors that are now available on modern smartphones.
2022年3月9日 · 为了提高NVS性能,卡内基梅隆大学、布朗大学、康纳尔大学、巴斯大学和Meta的研究人员提出了TöRF。 这是一种利用颜色和飞行时间图像的场景外观隐式神经表示。 …
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torf/README.md at main · benattal/torf · GitHub
To train model on one of our sequences, run. The last two arguments specify first frame to use and the last frame to use. For the real and iOS sequences, run. and. respectively. For the static sequences run. Where the last argument specifies which views to use for training.
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SKP 文件是 SketchUp 3D 建模应用程序使用的原生文件格式。 SketchUp 应用程序于 2000 年推出,自那时起,一直保持更新版本,并具有改进的功能。 除了 SketchUp 本身之外,其他 3D 模型编辑器对打开 SKP 文件的支持有限。