巴山榧 - 百度百科
巴山榧(学名: Torreya fargesii Franch.)是红豆杉科、榧属植物,乔木,高达12米;树皮深灰色,不规则纵裂;一年生枝绿色,二、三年生枝呈黄绿色或黄色,稀淡褐黄色。叶条形,稀条状披针形。
Organ-specific rest and quiescence in response to chilling and …
2024年4月15日 · In this study, we examined the effects of air temperature and photoperiod on the dormancy mechanisms of a subtropical coniferous tree species Torreya grandis by using controlled experiments.
High autumn temperatures increase the depth of bud dormancy in …
2022年2月8日 · Here we carried out an experimental study of the effects of air temperature and photoperiod on autumn phenology and physiology of seedlings of two tree species growing in subtropical southeastern China: the native torreya (Torreya grandis) and a subtropical provenance of the non-native pecan (Carya illinoinensis).
Avery Island, Jungle Gardens, Torreya taxifolia
We had a very mild winter this season in Louisiana — not even a killing frost in our region." 13 Oct 2019 [he had taken a trip to visit and photo the big torreya in Madison FL then wrote] "Torreyas to plant in the forest of Jungle Gardens on Avery Island.
Torreya taxifolia - USDA Plants Database
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Torreya californica (California Torreya) - Torreya Guardians
Within this optimal habitat, we also plotted the variation in three relevant parameters: mean annual precipitation, mean summer humidity, and cumulative annual frost-free days.
榧子(中药材资料、植物图像) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年5月14日 · 英文:Grand Torreya; 拉丁:Torreyae Semen; 类别:果实及种子类; 来源: 红豆杉科 植物榧Torreya grandis Fort.的干燥成熟种子。 产地:主产浙江、江苏、安徽等地。
Florida Torreya - Dave's Garden
Not recommended for planting in the deep south, this tree's preferred, *historic* habitat is further north (and retreating, as climate change continues). See the Torreya Guardians website for more details: http://www.torreyaguardians.org/ A very rare and endangered needled evergreen tree with a tiny native range in Florida.
Torreya grandis Fort. et Lindl. - plantplus.cn
Torreya grandis Fort. et Lindl. 1. 榧树(本草纲目) 圆榧、芝麻榧、了木榧、米榧、栾泡榧、细圆榧、大圆榧(浙江),野杉(江西、浙江),药榧(安徽黄山),钝叶榧树、小果榧树(中国树木分类学),榧、凹叶榧、小果榧(中国裸子植物志) 图版105. Torreya grandis Fort. ex Lindl. in Gard. Chron. 788. 1857, ibidem 588. f. 1-3. 1858, ibidem n. ser. 22: 681. f. 117. 1884; Gord. Pinet. 326. 1858; Parl. in DC. Prodr. 16 (2): 505. 1868; Beissn. Handb.
nearly the evergreen habit. Thus it is possibly relatively frost-hardy for the same reasons as the very frost-resistant as well as drouth-defiant evergreens, such as the oaks. On the whole it appeared that the species which lived upon the least moisture were also the most frost-hardy.