TVT or TOT - What is the Difference? - Mesh Medical Device …
TVT stands for tension-free vaginal tape. It’s also known as a synthetic mid-urethral tape or sling (MUS) because of the mid mark on the urethra where the device will be placed. Most TVTs are made of polypropylene, a polymer plastic also used in the top of Tic-Tac boxes and on the back of indoor-outdoor carpet.
What is a Transobturator Tape (TOT) surgery? It is a surgery to place a narrow ribbon of polypropylene mesh underneath the urethra. The urethra is the tube that allows urine to pass out of the body. The ribbon of mesh acts as a layer of support so that the urethra is closed off when there is downward pressure, like when you sneeze.
Total trans-obturator tape (TOT) removal; a case series including …
We present a case series of total trans-obturator tape (TOT) removal, including vaginal and extra-vaginal (groin) approaches to achieve total removal, performed in a tertiary mesh complications unit over a 3-year period.
Your surgeon will discuss how much mesh will be removed and the possible benefits and risks of having the mesh removed from the groins at the same time (complete removal) as this may not be possible after complete removal of the vaginal portion.
Two-year outcomes of surgeon-tailored trans obturator tape for …
2021年11月13日 · Mid-urethral sling (MUS) is a highly effective, minimally-invasive, surgical approach for SUI that is based on the passing of a small band of a synthetic mesh into either the retropubic space (known as tension-free vaginal tape, TVT) or through the obturator foramen (known as trans-obturator tape, TOT or TVT-O, through the inside-out route) [3].
Quality of life outcomes after transobturator tape full removal ...
2024年3月20日 · TOT mesh removal with bilateral groin dissection improves patients' pain and QoL. It is associated with a high rate of overall satisfaction, low morbidity and an acceptable rate of SUI recurrence compared to partial removal, and less than that quoted in other series.
(PDF) Two-year outcomes of surgeon-tailored trans obturator tape …
2021年11月13日 · In this report, we aim to highlight the two-year outcomes of surgeon tailored mesh in terms of subjective and objective cure rates, as well as late complications. Methods We performed a...
Total Trans-obturator Tape (TOT) Removal; a case series ... - ICS
We present a case series of Total Trans-Obturator Tape (TOT) removal, including vaginal and extra-vaginal (groin) approaches to achieve total removal, performed in a tertiary mesh-complications unit over the past 3 years. We aim to assess post-operative pain improvement and recurrence of incontinence following total mesh excision.
Transobturator Tape in Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence…
In transobturator tape (TOT) placement, through small incisions placed in the groins and in the vagina under the urethra, the mesh can be placed under the urethra in the correct position without having to pass needles blindly through the retropubic space, as in transvaginal tape (TVT).
Two-year outcomes of surgeon-tailored trans obturator tape for …
2021年11月13日 · Mid-urethral sling (MUS) is a highly effective, minimally-invasive, surgical approach for SUI that is based on the passing of a small band of a synthetic mesh into either the retropubic space (known as tension-free vaginal tape, TVT) or through the obturator foramen (known as trans-obturator tape, TOT or TVT-O, through the inside-out route) [ 3 ].