What Is Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)? (With Example Calculation) - Indeed
2025年3月7日 · Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) measures the total number of hours worked by employees in relation to a full-time work schedule. FTE calculations help employers track workforce size and budget for staffing costs. Calculating FTE allows for more accurate resource allocation and helps meet compliance with labor laws.
How to Calculate the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) in 4 Steps
2023年9月6日 · The full time equivalent, often abbreviated as FTE is an indicator that reflects an employee’s productive capacity. An FTE of 1.0, for example, corresponds to the hours worked in a day for a full-time employee. Consequently, the FTE for a part-time employee working 20 hours a week would be 0.5.
如何理解FTE(全时当量)? - 知乎
FTE (全时当量)的概念,用于将总的工作时间,转化为等量的全职工作时间。 全职工作时间:8小时/天,5天/周,22天/月,52周/年. 举例:1月份,所有员工总工作时间为7056小时,求1月份FTE. 员工工作总时间/每月全职工作时间 = 7056 / (22 x 8) = 40FTE. 解释:有可能公司有36个人,每天加班(超过每天8小时工作时间),这一个月下来,一个月总共工作了7056个小时。 这相当于40个员工朝九晚五(一天8小时工作时间,即1天的全职工作时间)的时间量。 一个100FTE …
Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Calculator
2024年7月22日 · With this FTE Calculator, you can quickly calculate how many full-time equivalent employees are on your team. As it helps you work out how many manhours of work are being done, FTE calculation is an important part of business planning.
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) | Formula + Calculator - Wall Street Prep
2024年2月20日 · The Full Time Equivalent (FTE) represents a unit of measurement standardized to equal the number of hours worked by the typical full-time employee. In practice, FTE is measured by companies to estimate the number of full …
What Is Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) & How Is It Calculated? - Forbes
2024年6月18日 · Determining the amount of workers in your organization and the amount of time they work is crucial for budgeting, benefits administration and legal purposes. That said, full-time equivalent (FTE)...
什么是全职当量 (FTE)? - 时钟它 - ClockIt
全职当量 (FTE),也称为员工时间当量,是员工工作量的衡量标准。 FTE 计算考虑兼职员工的总工作时间,并考虑其对总体工作量的影响。 通常,人力资源部门使用 FTE 进行预算、福利报告和预扣税。 该计算可帮助您了解员工每周或每月工作多长时间。 它用于根据特定员工的工作时间表确定是否适用福利。 这篇文章将向您简要概述什么是 FTE 以及它在人力资源部门的使用方式。 什么是全职当量 (FTE) 以及为什么使用它? 全职等效员工 (FTE) 根据全职员工的工作量来衡量兼 …
How to Calculate FTE: Full-Time Equivalent Formulas & More - wikiHow
2025年2月24日 · To calculate FTE, identify the total number of hours worked by part-time employees during a particular time period. Then, calculate the total number of hours worked by full-time employees for that same time period.
What is Full Time Equivalent and How to Calculate It - Salary.com
2024年12月6日 · The full time equivalent or FTE is a figure that measures the total number of full time employees working in a company. It sums up the number of hours worked by all kinds of employees including full time and part time workers.
What Is Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)? Plus How To Calculate It
2025年3月3日 · Also known as whole-time equivalent (WTE), this decimal number or percentage documents the number of total hours employees work rather than the number of employees who worked. FTE is a standardized measurement for determining the cost of a project in terms of time, money and personnel.