2025年2月14日 · Since its establishment in 1947, Towa Corporation has been an innovative manufacturer of protective gloves, introducing exclusive technologies such as MicroFinish® and NanoFinish™, supplying high quality gloves to various industries for workers’ safety.
Since its establishment in 1947, Towa Corporation has been an innovative manufacturer of protective gloves, introducing exclusive technologies such as MicroFinish® and NanoFinish™, supplying high quality gloves to various industries for workers’ safety.
首页 - towa
贴合手型,适合精细作业 使用抗菌防臭加工。 PVC材质,比天然橡胶更耐油,耐洗剂。 柔软舒适的中厚型手套。 东和作为综合工业用手套的生产厂家,致力于在任何生产环境下,以确保客 …
towa手套官方网站提供towa劳保手套、丁腈手套、pvc手套、橡胶手套、耐油手套及防寒手套等防护用品,为了生产出高品质的手套,任何的原材料选择,都经过日本严格的检测,通过对传统pvc手套改良,无缝编织的内衬,让手套的防护性能更强,不会出现手套内部 ...
Amazon.com: Towa Powergrab Thermo Gloves
100% Waterproof Gloves for Men and Women, Winter Work Gloves for Cold Weather, Touchsreen, Thermal Insulated Freezer Gloves, With Grip, Orange, Large
KEVLAR - towa
KEVLAR®纤维作为在防弹领域也被广泛使用的素材, 以它坚韧,不容易被割裂,不容易被点燃等特性保护了作业的安全,轻巧。 合手等特性更大大提高了工作的效率。 KEVLAR®纤维在阳光,荧光等包含紫外线的光线下会产生变色的情况,变色会降低线材本身的强度, 请在使用后放回包装袋,或者放在阴暗处保存。 (放在黑袋子里也可以有同样效果。 请使用中性洗剂,在背光处风干。 请注意对于前段尖锐的物理没有防穿刺的效果。 没有割肉效果,如果使用者自身感到烫的话, …
Since its establishment in 1947, Towa Corporation has been an innovative manufacturer of protective gloves, introducing exclusive technologies such as MicroFinish® and NanoFinish™, supplying high quality gloves to various industries for workers’ safety.
TOWA Products - Cordova Safety
TOWA® is an innovator of gloves and glove technology and includes the brands ActivGrip® and PowerGrab®.
Amazon.com: Towa Power Grab Thermo Gloves
Waterproof Winter Work Gloves for Men and Women, Freezer Gloves for Working in Freezer, Thermal Insulated Fishing Gloves, Super Grip, Orange, Large Options: 20 sizes
Towa Powergrab Thermo Hi-Vis Gloves Large PG391-LG
2013年11月7日 · Cordova Safety Products - The PG391 PwerGrab Thermo Glove features a hi-vis green brushed acrylic shell with a black MicroFinish latex palm and fully coated thumb. CE EN 388 blade cut resistance level 2 and CE EN 511 contact cold level 1 rated. Component materials comply with all federal regulations for food contact.
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