Theory of the etiology of human toxemia of pregnancy: fetal
Toxemia of pregnancy is a perplexing clinical problem that has defied accurate elucidation of its etiology because the disorder does not occur in undisturbed lower mammalian species that …
Naturopathic Model of Healing—The Process of Healing Revisited
In 1899 Louis Kuhne, a key progenitor of Naturopathy and its theory of illness causation and healing, saw “disease as the presence of foreign matter in the body” described the healing …
A Historical Overview of Preeclampsia-Eclampsia - PMC
According to the classification set forth by the American Committee on Maternal Welfare, toxemias of pregnancy included acute toxemia of pregnancy (preeclampsia and eclampsia), …
Present concepts in toxemia of pregnancy - ScienceDirect
True toxemia of pregnancy, however, is an acute disease occurring only after the 24th week of gestation and, most often, in the latter part of the 3d trimester in previously normal pregnant or …
Toxemias of Pregnancy - ScienceDirect
These theories of the etiology of toxemia of pregnancy, together with the many other experimentations which have been reported, remain inconclusive. The only known definite …
Toxemia of early pregnancy: Etiology and treatment part I. Etiology
A review of the extensive literature on toxemia of early pregnancy and of the ingenious theories which have been advanced to explain toxemia occurring elther early or late in pregnancy, is …
Preeclampsia and eclampsia: the conceptual evolution of a …
2022年2月22日 · However, preeclampsia is a multisystemic disorder with protean manifestations, and the condition can be present even in the absence of hypertension and proteinuria. Toxins …
Psychosomatic Influences in the Genesis of Toxemia of Pregnancy
BROWNE FJ. Aetiology of pre-eclamptic toxaemia and eclampsia; fact and theory. Lancet. 1958 Jan 18; 1 (7012):115–119. [Google Scholar] COPPEN AJ. Psychosomatic aspects of pre …
Toxaemia of Pregnancy and Eclampsia - Oxford Academic
2011年10月3日 · This chapter discusses toxaemia of pregnancy and eclampsia, two of the main causes of maternal mortality in history. Toxaemia is a disease of the last trimester of …
Toxemia: What Is It, How It Is Managed, and More | Osmosis
2025年1月6日 · Toxemia, or preeclampsia, is a complication of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure and signs of damage to other organ systems, such as the liver or kidneys. …