Toyoda leaves Japanese chemical maker JSR’s innovation arm
2024年5月31日 · Nobuyuki Toyoda has left JSR’s New Business Creation Department, the open innovation arm of Japan-based chemicals corporation JSR. Toyoda said in an email that he leaving JSR to focus on his health and recovery. Toyoda began at JSR in 2013 as a manager of the corporate planning department.
Japan state-backed fund to buy JSR to enhance chip supply chain
2023年6月26日 · State-backed fund Japan Investment Corp. will acquire semiconductor material maker JSR Corp. for about 900 billion yen ($6.3 billion), JSR said Monday, as part of efforts to strengthen the country's chip supply chain.
曾是台積EUV救世主 日本材料王JSR前會長小柴,如何躲過失落30 …
2025年1月21日 · 好不容易,等到了日本化學業的傳奇人物,70歲的日本光阻大廠JSR前會長小柴滿信來解惑。 他1月到天下經濟論壇(CWEF)發表演說,並在會後接受我的採訪。 小柴擔任社長期間,與台積電、艾司摩爾共同開發出極紫外光(EUV)光阻,市佔長期超過五成。 光阻液是半導體微影製程中,用來刻出電晶體線路的關鍵材料。 EUV光阻液1公升超過5000美元,是最貴的化學原料。 也因為JSR的關鍵地位,傳出德國大廠默克有意收購,於是日本政府下屬的產業改革投 …
正港的超跑聲浪模擬器,JSR安裝車款:TOYOTA NEW ... - YouTube
正港的超跑聲浪模擬器,JSR安裝車款:TOYOTA NEW ALTIS 11.5代,車外發聲源自模擬瑪莎拉蒂跑車排氣聲浪! 適合不想改裝排氣管的車主,方便車內切換聲音大小,純自HIGH款式不影響原廠保固 - YouTube. 正港的超跑聲浪模擬器,JSR安裝車款:TOYOTA NEW ALTIS 11.5代,車外發聲源自模擬瑪莎拉蒂跑車排氣聲浪!...
HiLux GR Sport 2024 | 4x4 Utes | Toyota Australia
Discover the 2024 Toyota HiLux GR Sport for adventure seekers. Powerful diesel engine, heavy-duty suspension and a bold design inspired by the Dakar rally.
化学品生产商:JSR股份公司JSR Corporation (JSCPY) - 美股之家
JSR股份公司分为4个部门来运作:Elastomers Business(弹性体业务)、Plastics Business(塑料业务)、Digital Solutions(数字解决方案)和Life Sciences(生命科学)。 Elastomers Business——提供通用的合成橡胶,包括乳液聚合的丁苯橡胶(SB),溶液聚合的丁苯橡胶,苯乙烯,聚丁二烯和异戊二烯橡胶;等等;专用合成橡胶,例如丁腈,丁基,乙丙,NV和NE聚合物共混橡胶等;热塑性弹性体,包括丁二烯型TPE,氢化聚合物,苯乙烯-丁二烯型TPE,苯乙烯- …
Toyota Shifts Home Helper Robot R&D into High Gear with
2015年7月16日 · The Human Support Robot (HSR) is Toyota's answer to the ever-increasing demand for long-term elderly care in societies like Japan. With its highly maneuverable, compact, and lightweight cylindrical body and folding arm, the HSR can pick objects up off the floor, retrieve objects from shelves, and perform a variety of other tasks.
トヨタ自動車、Autono-MaaS専用EV 「e-Palette(東京2020オリ …
2019年10月9日 · トヨタの車両制御プラットフォームに専用開発の自動運転システム(自動運転制御ハードウェアおよびソフトウェア、カメラやLiDARなどのセンサー)を搭載し、高精度3Dマップと運行管理による低速自動運転を実現(SAE ※4 レベル4相当)。 周囲360°の障害物を常に検知し、周囲の状況に応じて最適な速度で運行。 また、システム異常時には、車両に同乗するオペレーターが安全に車両を停止できる緊急停止ブレーキを装備。 自動運転時に歩行者とコ …
Quality Used Vehicles | JSR Life Motors
Why buy with JSR Life Motors... Great reputation; High quality vehicles; Indoor showroom; Competitive in-house finance; Trade-ins welcome; Purchase with complete confidence; Extensive vehicle knowledge; Competitive warranty options available; Complete after …
2017 Toyota C-HR G | JSR Life Motors
"Toyota C-HR is an ideal car for me. It’s Hybrid, 1.8cc, and has a lot of features. Plus it looks very sporty and stylish. I like its compactness which you can feel when you drive on a highway, it doesn’t budge even when you pass by huge trucks."