Quality of Toz rifles - Gunboards Forums
2008年4月5日 · In the thread below about the TT's started by Vladamir there was mention of an importers web site (SSMEDWI.comm). I notice they import TOZ firearms built at the Tula plant. Has any one shot one of these rifles, either the .22's or the .308? While on the subject, I have come close once or...
TOZ Manufacturing dates and disassembly | Gunboards Forums
2020年9月15日 · The TOZ-78 series is similar in that the page give design dates of 1986-1987. Clearly the 78 series of rifles being designed well after the C&R 50 year cutoff date is not C&R. The TOZ-8 series history does give production dates and would appear to be C&R rifles. However the TOZ-17 series does not give us production dates.
Old Russian: TOZ 18 | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2009年6月30日 · Design is based on TOZ-17 model. TOZ-18 is supplied with the optical sight in addition to the iron sights, an extra 5 round magazine, and differs from its predecessor by the bell-shaped muzzle end of the barrel. Weight is around 3 kilo. The current production model is TOZ-18-01, which is very similar, and also supplied with optical sight.
Questions on Russian TOZ 17-01 - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2016年10月19日 · What can be said about the quality of the TOZ 17-01? Do they shot well on 50m using iron sights? How about the trigger? I want to use it in matches in the class .22 "military trainer", however most people don't know ALL models of .22 military trainers. So, I am wondering, if i can sneek in with the TOZ 17-01 if it looks just like a TOZ17.
Toz 16 | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2011年6月14日 · Dear All, Being the happy Owner of a 78-05, I bought a Toz 8M. What a beaut rifle. Seems to work well with Geco rounds (standard velocity solid points) though the Blazers are always a good choice in both. Last week I bought a model 16 single shot in mavelous condition for Australian $120.00...
Old TOZ prewar .22lr rifles. TOZ-8 and forerunners, 1933...
2024年4月4日 · Made in 1933 with stamp of Tula Arms plant, like found on early TOZ-8 and als post war TOZ target Revolvers TOZ-36 and TOZ-49. Not WHAT is taht thing???????? It took me some time, but then I found some old posts here with links to russian forum.
My new Winchester Wildcat Target-Varmint / TOZ 78-14
2010年2月6日 · After much deliberation I settled on purchasing a "Winchester" (BACO-imported, FNH-licensed, TOZ-manufactured) Wildcat Target Varmint (TOZ 78-14) from CDNN for $199. After paying shipping, transfer, and taxes my cost was $256 -- a little more than I wanted to spend on a .22, but it has an...
TOZ35 project | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
TOZ35 project-1 Many years ago a club member modified a TOZ35 with a goal of reducing weight and improving the balance. It proved to be just as accurate and did very well shooting against others in the Free Pistol league. I've not yet taken a hacksaw to …
TOZ 78 - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2018年9月19日 · TOZ-78 I'm surprised that given the amount of skill that must exist among the members of this forum, that no one has suggested making a proper target stock for the gun. An ergonomic stock will appropriate bedding allows for a better and more stable hold.
toz centerfire rifles .... TOZ-122 HUNTING RIFLE .308...
2008年2月18日 · toz centerfire rifles Does anyone own a toz centerfire?I've thought about getting a 308 to play with.